The Global Voyagers Global Travel Premium Magazine & Article Tue, 11 Mar 2025 15:28:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Global Voyagers 32 32 214881783 A Short Ride to Rome Tue, 11 Mar 2025 09:13:11 +0000

After the steep hills of Tuscany I was excited to continue this journey into the rolling landscape of Lazio. Having begun surrounded by the foothills of the Alps, in the ostentatiously decadent and smug city of Lugano, with streets filled with Maseratis and Lamborghinis, we were looking forward to making our way into the crumbling beauty of Southern Italy.

From Castellina in Chianti we sailed downhill. We had warm air blowing in our face and spectacular views in all directions. The open vistas of hilltop towns and rows of vines provide pleasantly aesthetic scenery throughout this area. The road was wide and flat. Barely a pothole in sight. We enjoyed ourselves immensely. We had decided to rest in Stigliano, a very small town just to the east of Siena. Behind it climb steep hills covered in woodland. Just to the left is the major GlaxoSmithKline office for Italy. The contrast between corporate ugliness and natural beauty is one which shows how poor most human creations are, the medicinal benefits to humanity notwithstanding.

The simple stone houses in the village attest to the relative decline in our ability to put beauty above profit. It was the perfect place to rest our weary legs. The sharp hills of Tuscany had robbed us of the strength we had built up. There was not a great deal to do in Stigliano except walk up the hill and enjoy the warm sun on our face. Hidden amongst this forest are undoubtedly some fungal treasures but their whereabouts are closely kept secrets. On seeing one man stroll into the forest I asked if he was off looking for porcini and he just gave me a knowing smile and said there’s nothing in these forests. His barely concealed wicker basket suggested otherwise. Understandably, he didn’t want to share the land’s bounty with newly arrived interlopers. Italian hospitality only went so far.

Above: Sunrise in the Val d’Orcia.

We had the sharpest hills of Tuscany far behind us now. Somehow these hills were far harder than cycling the mountain roads of the Apennines; the continual ups and downs eventually wore us down as freewheeling merely became the harbinger of more uphill exertions rather than the fun and carefree experience it had been on the mountain roads. Following a mixture of everything from rough tracks to dual carriageways, we made our way towards the town of Buonconvento. Recognised as ‘one of the most beautiful villages of Italy’ in what is undoubtedly a competitive field, it provided a bucolic environment in which to eat our leftover pasta. It is around this stage where the expensive Tuscan villas start to peter out a little bit and more arable farmland takes over from the olive groves and vineyards.

There were a few nice benches in the sun just outside of the town walls and around us a variety of other cyclists were passing through. Some on electric bikes. It was hard not to despise people on electric bikes as they casually glided up the hills whilst we put every ounce of muscle into moving upwards. We found the Il Cantuccio wine bar, just around the corner from the main street. This stylish bar seemed to hold the usual crowd of quiet daytime drinkers enjoying the thin autumn sun with a glass of rosé. Inside it was chic, if a little new in its skin; a few more years of scuffs will see it settling into its timeless surroundings. The cold Italian lager was very refreshing and drinking it in the sun induced a degree of smugness in us.

Above: Another view of the beautiful Val d’Orcia.

We spent the afternoon heading towards San Quirico d’Orcia. We were told that the Val d’Orcia is one of the most picturesque regions in Italy and this was not wrong. The gently undulating hillsides were very aesthetically pleasing, if a bit bare. We came to a set of paths off the road where a mass of cars had pulled up to photograph their own version of this famous scene. We decided to head in the opposite direction and look for somewhere to camp which would be tucked out of the way. Eventually we settled for a spot which was just beside the path. The views down the valley were spectacular. After eating our dinner and lying looking down at the view we put our tent up. We woke to the sound of a farmer ploughing the field next to us. He had started very early which initially was a little bit annoying. We realised we would not be able to snooze through the sound so commenced the de-camping routine by groggily packing away the tent. The sun was just beginning to rise, pushing the night sky, pockmarked with stars, away from view. Faint mountain ridges were visible now. We decided to make a cup of tea and watch the scenes change around us. Eventually the farmer stopped and the chugging sound was replaced with not much. It was a very unique way to start the day. We walked back down the path and made our way towards the nearest water fountain to fill our bottles. On the way we passed a bicycle shop and the owner was outside pumping up wheels on his rental bike, he quickly did our wheels free of charge. We were on the receiving end of some good karma.

Above: A refreshing dip in the hot springs of Bagni San Filippo.

That day we were passing near to one of the many remarkable thermal baths that are dotted along Italy’s volcanic spine. We cycled up the punishing hill towards the pretty little town of Bagni San Filippo. It is a town centred around these hot springs named after a thirteenth century hermit who had lived in the area. We strolled down the hill excited to try this unique experience. The thermal water rises at the top of the valley and a series of pools have been constructed which slowly get warmer the further you go down. The final pools are remarkably hot and we sat and soaked ourselves in this restorative water. It was a busy day with families and groups of friends lounging in all the various pools. We kept ourselves to ourselves and enjoyed the peaceful sound of chattering Italians as the warmth seeped into our aching muscles. After slowly allowing ourselves to cool down we made our way towards our bikes thinking about how remarkably varied this landscape was. The heat had made us hungry so we popped into the Bar La Cascata and treated ourselves to a beer and some porcini pasta. It was tasty and restorative. The combination of the hot soak and filling pasta meal provided us with enough energy to carry on our journey towards Acquapendente.

Above: A view over the rooftops of Bolsena with the lake in the distance.

Just before we made our way up the hill to Acquapendente, we found a secluded meadow beside the River Paglia. Tucked away and on flat ground we had a peaceful evening and a sound night’s sleep. This was one of the moments that we were truly grateful for modern technology. With the satellite images from Google Maps we were able to find places to camp which were secluded and far from any houses so as to avoid annoying anyone. Without this technology we would have had to have tried a lot of little paths in the hope they would lead us to somewhere nice. As it was we could scout out the rough area we would like to finish our day and look for any tracks that led to quiet corners, ideally near a river or tucked away into a forest clearing. Of course, sometimes we would just stumble across a great place to pitch our tent but on days when we were knackered it was nice to know we had a rough idea of where we would sleep that night.

Over breakfast we discussed where our end point should be. My sister and her partner were cycling down the Adriatic Coast, heading towards Greece. We thought that maybe we could cycle down to the south of Italy and take a ferry across to Tirana in Albania. The only trouble with that was that they were having consistently worse weather and we were waking up to sunshine every day. After scouting around a little bit we started to settle on the idea of heading down towards Sicily. It all sounded very romantic. It also looked as though we could find a place to stay in southern Sicily for a pretty reasonable price.

Above: Our spot beside Lake Bolsena with only calm waters in front.

Heading straight uphill was never the dream way of starting a day, even worse was arriving into a small town where the inhabitants were largely older and still gripped by covid fear. The inevitable glares aimed in our direction, obvious outsiders, were not ideal and something we had not really experienced in Italy until now. It probably didn’t help that the only place to fill our water bottles was right next to a testing centre! We were soon on our way, heading towards Lake Bolsena after a quick stop to pick up some tasty looking walnuts.

Lake Bolsena is the largest volcanic lake in Europe and within the lake are two islands formed by eruptions from the Vulsini volcano. The town of Bolsena is steeped in Etruscan roots: the last Etruscan town to hold out against the Romans is believed to have been close by. Originally called Volsinii, it became Bolsena after the Romans took control of the area in around 292BC. The town itself is very pretty and home to a range of craft shops. We bought a beautiful handcrafted walnut chopping board for €10 which made chopping our vegetables a hell of a lot easier. It is funny how small improvements make a massive difference when your belongings are very minimal. We also bought a delicious bottle of red wine from Montepulciano for €5 which we then enjoyed on the southern beach of the lake, after a refreshing dip in the water. We ended up camping on the beach which gave us a brilliant view to wake up to but there was a small road just behind us which was much busier than we thought it would be. As each car passed we were woken up. The slight thought in the back of our mind that wild camping was not strictly legal in Italy did not help us have a relaxing night’s sleep.

The sides of the tent flapped angrily all night. Out on the beach we were exposed to a whipping wind which appeared out of nowhere. By the time the sun rose the wind had disappeared again. Only there to disrupt our sleep and ensure that we woke feeling more tired than we did when we first lay down. Swimming in the lake helped a bit. Pushing our bikes up a vertical hill also helped to get the blood flowing. We decided that we would have a big day of cycling so that the following day would be relatively short and we would be able to arrive in Rome at around lunchtime. We were aiming for another lake, this time it would be Lago di Bracciano which was around 70 km away. We had found what looked like a secluded spot where we would be able to pitch our tent right on the shore of the lake. As we made our way there we cycled through miles of hazel coppice. I’m sure plenty of the nuts grown in this region make their way into Nutella pots. We also followed an ancient section of the via Francigena. This old pilgrimage route is what we had roughly been following as it winds down from Canterbury to Rome. This section was lined with ancient Sweet Chestnut trees which had been pollarded many times throughout their lives. The result was gnarled trees who cast a benevolent eye over us as we wiggled down the poorly repaired track. Someone had decided that rubble mixed with glass and plastic was the perfect thing to lay on this ancient way. It slightly disrupted the feeling of this idyllic pathway.

As we made it closer to the lake, my front brake pads finally wore right through and I had to pre-emptively slow myself down. The final few kilometres of this long day were passed at an agonisingly slow speed as I sought to maintain control. When we found the track down to the beach we were comforted that it was suitably overgrown. There would be no cars passing by at night this time! There was also plenty of shelter and the beach was our own to enjoy. Another refreshing swim helped us to feel as though we were settled once more. It is remarkable how cold, clean water can change your entire mood. Instantly the efforts and stresses of the day are washed away.

Above: Cooking our dinner beside the Lago di Bracciano.

Cycling into Rome was quite strange. The first issue was that there was no chance of coming along a nice quiet road. Traffic flew past us just inches away in a constant stream. As we came closer to Rome the traffic intensified and nobody went anywhere very quickly. The outskirts of Rome, like any major city, are not particularly nice. We got a few strange looks and the streets were very dirty. In the heat of the day, it did not smell fresh. The fumes of thousands of idling vehicles added to this fug. As we slowly weaved through standstill traffic we would have to watch out for mopeds flying through any small gap. The thing to know about Italian roads is that nobody will ever just let you pass, you have to just adopt a ‘fingers crossed’ attitude and go confidently and hope they stop! At this point I suggested that we should take a detour off this main road to give us some respite from the gridlock and the fumes. I did not plan very well as we drifted downhill, away from the traffic only to have to cycle up a much steeper hill to rejoin the very same road a bit further down. I was not that popular at that moment in time. Soon, though, we passed the hectic outskirts and arrived in the eternal city itself. Well, we arrived on the cycle path beside the Tiber which then seemed to have no paths back up to the roads, just steep staircases. So we turned around and went back the way we came. Then back towards Prati where a friend of a friend, the kind Dario, had agreed to let us stay in his room for the two nights we planned to be in Rome. The kindness of others is what makes trips such as these possible. Small gestures can change the course of your day when you are far from home and exhausted from a day of exercise. Even just a thumbs up and a wave. Every bit of cheer gives strength to your legs.

We finally had dumped our stuff in Dario’s room and then wandered out in the direction of a delicious meal and the chance to see some of Rome’s remarkable sights.

Italy' Map

Wanderlust Oct-Nov 2024, a review Fri, 14 Feb 2025 11:01:22 +0000

Gazing at the racks, my fingers are drawn to this, the glossiest of glossies. I’d often seen it wink at me from the shelves but never before succumbed and carried it all the way to the till. With its rollcall of tempting destinations and sensuous cinnamon cover shot, it has to be Wanderlust. The other titles, Condé Nast Traveler, and National Geographic Traveller make me shiver: covers as dazzling as laundry detergent ads, blue-bright snow, ski headlines. It’s November, resorts are cloaked in the fluffy stuff, but perhaps I unmask myself too readily as a non-skier to ask, what more can we possibly say about skiing trips?

Back to that cover shot: scooping canyon wall, sunlit to moody perfection, garnet striations picking out rock contours like humbug sweets, this trails a story on 52 USA Travel Secrets. Somehow, I’ve never been drawn to US travel but some among this 52, Honolulu’s royal palace and the charms of Iowa’s UNESCO literary city (Iowa City) could provoke a rethink. At the foot of that artful cover, more intriguing locations are noted: West Greenland! Hawai’i! Gertrude Bell’s Turkey! And, Northern Greece, which I’ve been hankering for since falling for Thessaloniki and Meteora. Even Wanderlust’s forward-leaning, brush-stroked title font echoes travellers tilting into the ozone-rich wide blue yonder, bursting with curiosity and longing to discover the world. So far, it’s,engines primed, let’s roll down the runway for take-off

Inside the magazine, however, it’s a little more, Houston we have a problem. Like a bad first date, seductive first impressions give way to pallid, lukewarm content, cooling ardour and a sense of rueing the bill. Pious, brittle writing, (‘I left (Hawai’i) with a renewed sense of stewardship and respect for Mother Nature myself.’) spangled with clichés, is liberally cushioned with pages-long Promoted Content pieces that explain Wanderlust’s bulk(and perhaps why it’s still in business).Many of the Travelogue features propagate climate anxiety, in case one didn’t already worry enough. The 17ºC sunshine during a tour of Greenland’s Eqi glacier (its frequent calving events draw people to boat tours) provokes anguish, ‘The loud beauty … tinged with a sense of urgency, a realisation that this incredible landscape …may not remain for future generations. I left with plenty to ponder. ’Eqi’s rapid retreat is due to warmer air, ‘“Our glaciers were expected to eventually disappear,” a guide explains, “just not so fast.”’. Throughout the magazine, writers frequently home in on interviewees who dislike tourists or want only ‘quality tourists’ (i.e., wealthy ones) and even these visitors are viewed with wariness. People who say, ‘our airlines/airports need volume’, yet in the next line lament the increasing influx of visitors and their awful ways.

I was already primed to be charmed by Greenland, it wouldn’t have taken much to push me over the line into full infatuation. (I can’t explain this fascination, since I grew up permanently goose-bumped in chilly Scotland and, mostly, like to escape to the sun.) But by the end of the article, I’m filing it under ‘maybe not’ destinations. An awkward, passive first-person voice keeps the reader at arm’s-length, ‘I had chosen to explore the … island slowly, and without the ease of an expedition cruise, making travel between destinations a lot more challenging.’ goes one numbing paragraph opener in an anaemic portrait of what I imagine must be a visceral and intensely affecting journey. The writer gives us too much operational exposition and skimps on the memorable stuff. I wanted more poetry, less itinerary.

Despite the exotic raw material, there’s no nourishing detail. A stop in Aasiaat to see ‘historic houses’, the library and cultural centre, ‘a local highlight’, leaves me craving information, colour, or texture. Are these historic houses like the ones I know in Edinburgh, or wildly different- and in what sense are they historic? Which writers’ works might I find in the library and what’s in the cultural centre?Will it move me, leave its mark on me? I’m not given even a hint.

Food, a subject we may imagine gives many would-be visitors a moment’s pause,is not covered, save for a reference to a clichéd kind of initiation rite at a baptism. The writer, invited to sample a ‘menu’ (his italics) of dried whale and putrid-smelling seal blubber, is observed by locals expecting a flinch. What I know of Greenlandic cuisine is nothing – really, zero calories – except for the seal-blubber bit, and I expect manyreaders’ awarenessis at the same level. And, given what we know of the climate there suggests vegetable growing is not easy, surely describing the fare on offer and whether it’s riotously expensive would be a priority.If the writer is journeying expenses paid courtesy of a tourism board and/or tour operator, quotidian things like food costs may not register. But readers like me on a finite budget need to know about details like these. I think we should be told.

A fortnight later, another travel writer, who is also a part-time resident of Greenland, files his report from Nuuk in the Sunday Times: excited locals sitting on their roofs for the best view of the first incoming flight, welcoming visitors and planning their own adventures from the new airport. He describes the lighting of Nuuk’s Christmas tree, street revellers enjoying a huge firework display and a Greenlandic tapas cafe serving lumpfish roe and cod jerky. I learn the bright paint colours used on buildings are from a tradition whereby colour signalled function -red walled constructions were churches or cathedrals, schools and shops, yellowfor hospitals and health posts, blue meant fish processing and green for power, post and communications. This is the kind of insight I’d been yearning for all through my Wanderlust reading (the magazine’s article mentions the colour-function link but offers no detail).

Back in the Wanderlust pages, I move on from Greenland. The bromides come thick and fast, mountains invariably blanketed, sometimes by forests which in turn are reliably verdant, beaches sun-drenched, seas sparkling and roads are for the most part,winding. Astoundingly, all of these appear in the first two paragraphs of the Greek Zagori, story. It’s as if Dervla Murphy, Ben Okri and Gertrude Bell never happened. We know print journalism is on borrowed time and freelance travel writers often face a tough, uncertain gig. But it’s hard to escape the sense that wilting, formulaic prose like this offers little hope of arevival.

The full-page photo collages are set out with captions all in a band at the bottom making it hard to understand each image. There’s a strangely neutered style with many images prioritising pretty colours over pungency or intimacy. Most articles emphasise carbon offset calculations – an unsatisfactory way to deal with emissions and impact(a more effective option might be to give to a reforestation project such as acclaimed photographer Sebastiao Salgado’s Instituto Terra (Earth Institute) reforestation programme ). The chastising style is seen in other incarnations too – including a piece with six tips on how not to offend the locals with your crass ways in Hawai’i. To espouse a certain ethical line is to invite scrutiny. And so, next to all the emphasis on concerns that touristic development in Greenland and Hawai’i must respect the environment and local people’s needs, it seems inconsistent that a review of a remote new luxury hotel (from £560pn) in the Qatari desert finds no room to mention possible impacts on delicate desert ecosystems or local customs and culture. Comment is also entirely absent onpotential barriers to travel in this region for minority groupsor well-documentedlabour conditions for construction workers.

My £7.95 is not entirely wasted: photos can be lush and sensuous, sometimes vivid. The features take in a mouth-watering trail of off-beat places – there are immersive stories on Ireland’s Blasket Islands and Wild Atlantic Way and wildlife spotting in The Gambia as well as a tempting round-up of the best new rail routes to try in 2025.

A half-page books feature in association with Stanfords highlights travel writing from the 1920s to date rather than new releases, giving us two sentence puff quotes rather than reviews. Jerry Brotton’s Four Points of the Compass,on the history of direction sounds intriguing. But the copious promotional features often outshine the frequently insipid column-inches of the house writers. The cover’s promise, all hype and glamour, was perhaps too much to live up to.

The escapist joy,the glee and wonder of travel and its power to recharge and remake us are remarkable by their absence here. Time and again, writers rehearse the same themes and preoccupations that we read about in the press at home. The jaded view of tourists is coupled with a reverence, without any mention of detail, for ‘traditional’ ways, remedies and culture, albeit only for selected cultures. It’s a distorted lens through which to view the incredible, the mysterious and moving byways and nooks of our planet and the people who inhabit them – and one that leaves no room for having our perspectives changed.

In summary, Wanderlust is a curious beast: a travel magazine with a horror of travellers that’s heavily funded by big tour companies, tourist boards, expensive hotels and well-off travellers.A match made in heaven it’s clearly not; perhaps instead it’s a marriage of convenience,staying together for the sake of the quids.   

Still Classy and Sexy after 50 years Sun, 01 Sep 2024 03:49:13 +0000

I don’t normally write gushing reviews for five-star hotels (‘GV’ is not ‘Condé Nast Traveler’ and ostentatious displays of wealth just make me feel uncomfortable!). In fact, this is the first one the magazine/website have ever run. The President, you see, has a special place in my heart. Indeed, as one of Bombay’s oldest five-star properties (it opened to the public in 1973) – and posh Cuffe Parade’s only five-star hotel –  it has a special place in the lives of SoBo-ites (people who live in South Bombay, technically anyone living south of the Sea Link but us ‘Paradians’ are more selective; we believe anyone living north of Malabar Hill isn’t a true SoBo-ite!).

Maybe a qualification is apt here: I’d like to think The President has a special place in the hearts of So-Bo-ites. Bombay is a fast, fickle city. Few people here have time for nostalgia. I’m talking about genuine, lump-in-throat, eyes welling up nostalgia, not the cheap Bollywood stuff. Memories of unrequited teenage crushes now just trigger cringes and the once euphoria-inducing school friendships have been distilled to sporadic WhatsApp messages and rare get togethers. In a city that’s always moving, people move on, leaving memories in the rear view mirror. The perfunctory becomes the norm, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the significance of the hotel has waned, especially now that Bombay has multiple newer, brasher hotels all over the place.

President lobby

Hotels -and restaurants- come and go in Bombay; the Natraj on Marine Drive, where my parents first met in 1964, and where as a child I’d go for delicious ice creams to Yankee Doodle, is now a gleaming Inter-Continental. Here’s hoping the President sticks around long after I’m gone. There will come a time when I’ll be too old to come to India – every trip takes me closer to the final trip – and it’s a sobering and melancholy feeling when I realise I will eventually have a final stay here.

I’ve been coming here since I was 7 .Weddings in the banqueting rooms were a laugh with other like-minded kids! We could run around with them for the duration that we were there…after we’d been introduced to the uncles and aunties, that is (Now that I think about it, The President’s staff must have had an inexhaustible supply of patience to deal with us!). My Mum really made an effort to get ready for these weddings. Do you have any idea how long it takes to put on a sari?! We, on the other hand got wound up over how long it was taking her! We felt we were missing out on crucial play time!

It’s been a family favourite for decades. My parents, especially my Dad, really liked Thai food at Thai Pavilion (Bombay’s first Thai restaurant, which is now 30 years old). And, he was partial to the pizzas at Trattoria but he would also complain about them. We never actually stayed here as a family and I only stayed for the first time around ten years ago but I can’t imagine staying anywhere else when I’m in Bombay…apart from home…which is a two minute walk away!

Trattoria entrance

Cuffe Parade is a mostly residential, non-touristy area so you don’t get the kind of sleazy, hustling atmosphere that you usually do around the Taj Mahal Palace and Towers over at the Gateway of India and Colaba Causeway. We rarely see backpackers in Cuffe Parade, which is a relief! Backpackers and their need to score usually lower the tone of any area. Cuffe Parade has already had a ‘Shantaram’ (ok, he wasn’t really a backpacker but you know what I mean!), we don’t need another one, thanks.

A lot has changed since my first stay. The hotel has had at least one major refurbishment and the hospitality industry being what it is, many of the staff, from management (Mili Mukherjee, Karan Godhwani, Ashrafi Matcheswala and Kamlesh Trivedi) to food-and-beverage staff to concierges/bell boys have left. But, Carlton and Nayak are still at the Concierge’s desk and I know I can approach them with a request. Then again, I grew up in Bombay and I speak Hindi so I can pretty much get things done myself! Little Rajshree still works at Trattoria and she’s always happy to see me (and vice versa)! Hers is the smiling face you want to see at the entrance to Trattoria every morning. Chatty, perky Niraj has been transferred to In-room dining. I’m sure he’s taking good care of the guests in his new role.

The external construction on the metro station is now complete and the road diversions have been reversed. It’s quieter outside the hotel and traffic flows more freely. All in all, Cuffe Parade feels less claustrophobic and traffic-clogged now. But, Sassoon Dock and the Machimar Nagar are still just a short walk away so when catch comes in you can really smell it!

Check-in was efficiently carried out by the Duty Manager ,Yash. An efficient, professional and friendly DM inspires a sense of confidence in a guest and gets the stay off to a good start. He had his hands full, however, trying to check me in, getting me a welcome drink and dealing with a pushy youth who was part of some sycophantic media outlet. Some people in India just have no patience and even less discipline!

I liked the fact that check-in was in a separate alcove on the right. Unlike other hotels where you have to stand while checking in, the President offers seated check-in.

It was Independence Day the following day but the flag-waiving and displays of nationalism were kept to a minimum (there was a flag-raising ceremony on the lawn the following morning) in the lobby.

The bright lobby is basically a marbled,  air-conditioned oasis in a city wilting from the muggy August evening. The pianist was a pleasant surprise (there’s usually a musician playing a santoor or a sitar at lunchtime, either outside Trattoria or the Konkan Café. It’s a nice way to get one in the mood for lunch). I’m not sure if he took requests! There’s plenty of seating in the lobby; the combination of plump green and peach-coloured chairs, the large floral arrangement  at the front of the lobby and scent of jasmine emanating from it give you the impression that you’re walking through a super-sized, marble fruit bowl or garden! A nice contrast to the large, austere white marble pillars and dark marble encasing the elevator doors. I gather the lobby was designed by Swedish firm Studio Kin. It came as a surprise that such a renowned Indian brand would opt for a non-Indian designer.

At breakfast the following morning I noticed that the juice counter was now outside the actual restaurant, which is fine for guests dining at the rear of the lobby but couldn’t another counter have been put in to Trattoria? The carrot juice was a disappointment. It just didn’t taste fresh so I switched to masala tea, which perked me up. I needed to be perked up as I had only had a total of approximately 12 hours sleep over three nights and I needed to swim later that morning. The counter also offers chocolate and vanilla milkshake, orange juice and watermelon juice.

Foodies will be delighted by the selection, or as it should be known, a spread since the selection runs from one end of the restaurant to the entrance. There’s something for vegetarians, non-vegetarians and there are Indian and non-Indian dishes (most of the hotel’s guests are Indian so if you don’t like Indians and/or brown people stay the fuck away).

You do occasionally come across English cricket squads here, though. No, not the national squad, but the A team or development squad. I had a chat with Vikram Solanki, who was over with a development squad, at breakfast a few years ago. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I supported India! Otherwise, it’s rare to come across Brits here. The truth is, it’s just not affordable for them. This isn’t the India of the Raj, old boy. Going back to the food, there are  enough breads, cheeses and cookies to make a boulangerie envious. For those who miss Levantine cuisine, there are even mini pitas and hummus.

I went for my usual, masala cheese omelette and two slices of toast. The folded omelette, size notwithstanding (turns out it had more substance than the copy of ‘Business Traveler India’ I was flicking through with increasing derision!) had a teasing, golden plumpness, daring you to take a bite. I noticed that it had just the slightest hint of oil. If the omelette was a woman she would be a pert, curvy beach babe that knows she’s being watched and gets off on the attention.

How do they make this omelette? No other place in India makes it like Trattoria does (it’s usually on the greasy side in the north). I’ve always thought my Mum made the best eggs but Trattoria’s “MCO” takes the biscuit (or, should that be omelette?) Sorry Mummy! It was just the protein-rich (ok, yes, there were plenty of carbs, too! It’s hard to resist the croissants! But, hey, at least I refrained from tucking in to the cookies!) breakfast I needed. I felt pretty full. I have no idea how some of the guests have an omelette and a second course of parathas, puris, pav bhaji etc.,!

There are healthy options – freshly cut fruits (the grapes looked particularly succulent) and cereals – for those more disciplined than someone like me. Then again, if I’m swimming a shade under 1,300 metres in one go I can eat what I want! The quality of the food and service (friendly and efficient) make this an ideal place to take a lady the morning after, especially if you want to prolong your hook-up beyond a one-night stand. You can linger over a long breakfast as the M83-esque EDM plays, and the rain smacks against the large windows behind the bread counter, and get to know each other in the cold light of day (or, really, the cool embrace of Trattoria!).

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that although Eggs Benedict aren’t on the menu, the chefs can whip them up on request. Just like the omelette, they didn’t look like they’d be filling but they were. Turns out the Eggs Benedict come with a slice of cheese. Once again, India has taken a non-Indian dish and Indianised it…for the better. I’ve decided to switch between the MCO and EB for the duration of my stay! Although, it would be a shame not to try the fresh fruits at least once!

Tropical fruits anyone?
Bready or not?

On a whim I decided to check out their French Toast, which came sprinkled with powdery sugar and maple syrup on the side. The presentation could have done with a side order of strawberries, they’re not that difficult to find in India. In fact, there was a noticeable lack of strawberries amongst the fruit offerings.

Trattoria is the largest of the three restaurants at The President so there’s plenty of seating but for a quiet breakfast it’s best to get here before 8am. Sadly, the large murals depicting rural Italy have been replaced by a mixture of wood panels and mirrors, giving the space a darker ambience, notwithstanding the well-lit buffet space and open kitchen. And, only the tables along the wall have good overhead lighting, essential for those who like to read as they dine. But the fading coppery, mustardy coloured cushions are looking a bit worse for wear.

There’s a spa; I’ve never used it but I have it on good authority from girlfriends that Jiva’s worth a visit. That’s right, my girlfriends got treated like princesses! There’s a salon (I don’t know if they do ‘Brazilians’! I suspect women of a certain age arrive in to Bombay waxed and vaxxed, ready for the heat!), compact gym (i.e. you’re going to have to limit your stretching) and a 15m pool. At 1.22ms, it’s not the deepest but it’s fine to catch up with your laps. I would request a pool view room if you want to keep an eye on it and make sure you don’t turn up when it’s crowded (given its size, it does feel crowded if there are more than a couple of people in there). There are no lanes so be prepared for boisterous kids to cut across the pool while you’re swimming!


It’s not heated so even on summer mornings there’s a quick chill to the touch but there was no such frisson-inducing coolness this morning as I dipped my feet to check. And, on Saturday morning the water was even more welcoming. I wasn’t even put off by the fact that there were already three other adults in the pool (surprising, considering it was just 9.20am). It’s as if the pool knew what I needed. If you’re comfortable in the water from the start you usually have a smoother swim. It basically has to feel like a liquid blanket around you and you have to both give in to it and work with it. That’s a  lot easier if the temperature is already perfect. But, this is August. The water’s definitely going to be cooler come winter. Here’s a tip for those cooler days, swim in the late afternoon, give the water time to warm up.

The pool comes in to its own at dusk; it’s lit but the area around the pool is dark and the more adventerous can get up to some…”acquatic naughtyness!” The early magenta dusk’s warmth, the cooling breezes (Cuffe Parade is built up but those breezes find you and man are they welcome!) and the underwater lights bringing out the blue on the  tiny (baby?) tiles all work to flick one’s ‘naughty switch’.

At 24sq m the entry-level (Deluxe) room is spacious enough for one person and cosy for two. A generous queen-sized bed means there’s plenty of room for a couple and snug fit for a family of two adults and two children. A sofa-bed/rollaway might be a real squeeze, however, if the children are over the age of 8. The Superior, Deluxe and Premium room are all the same size. They’re just priced differently depending on the floor they’re situated on and the view they offer.

There’s no tub in the bathroom but who has time for a bath these days? The shower is big enough for two adults so your night-time pool shenanigans can carry on in the shower! And, hey, if you get lucky you can see if you can get a third guest in to the shower! India is still pretty conservative; while the temples of Khajuraho might depict threesomes, they’re notoriously hard to pull off here and probably unlikely with an Indian woman (they’re not that liberated or experimental)! But, never say never, right? After all, you’re in the land of the Kama Sutra, where an ex porn-star, Sunny Leone, is now part of mainstream advertising!

Who knows how the night will unfold if your wife/girlfriend hits it off in the pool or gym with a high-powered, Alpha American female executive hustling for a deal and empowered by her sense of abandon and killer corporate instinct! Girly bonding leads to pre – dinner drinks in Wink, where the cocktails and confessions flow while you, the husband/boyfriend can’t believe your luck; the beats n’ bass make the girls dance in that unique way, swaying hips and lackadaisical waves…you just go with the flow and the flow, hopefully, will lead to your room… The President doesn’t have the stuffy pomp and history of her Taj sisters in Colaba, or the nouveau-riche designer outlets of the Oberoi at Nariman Point, and she’s all the sexier for it.

You weren’t expecting a conventional hotel review, were you? We don’t do conventional. We’re not ”Wandegraphic Traveler”!

My room faced the new metro station and the traffic junction joining GD Somani Rd and Captain Prakash Pethe Marg. Further out you can see the residential buildings of Colaba, with the creek as a backdrop. I often leave the curtains open so that I can view the sunrise while low-lying, grey monsoon clouds drift by. Dawn in Bombay is a time to observe the city shake off the humid night. There’s a brief respite before the heat and humidity return. The vegetable (sabzi-wallahs) sellers and bread-wallahs cycle in every day before the sapping heat and humidity take a firm grip. Soon enough the kids head off to school. Some taken by their parents, some in a school bus. And, the older ones grab a bus. I used to take the 138 to Churchagte. It’s still running. There’s even an air-conditioned version now.

Dawn winters are my favourite. I like the strong, chilly gusts. In a town that gets just a handful of cool-ish days, every gust is to be enjoyed. But in the monsoons I also like the dawn breeze from the Indian mainland bringing the heat of the plains to meet the winds from the Arabian Sea pregnant with the monsoon.

Apart from a print above the bed, the wheatish-coloured walls were bare. Some of the other rooms do have more artwork but, as this room was supposedly on a newly-renovated floor, I would have expected a room with more character, given the hotel’s history. l had to roll away one of the carpets by the bedside as it easily slipped on the wooden floor. It’s a potential health hazard, especially for elderly guests.

The hotel isn’t without its drawbacks. The two jewelers shops that have been here for years are still here. I’ve never actually seen anyone buy anything from them! And, the hotel desperately needs a bookshop. There used to be a small one here for many years, run by a pair of South Indian brothers. I used to love dropping in to check out the comics. In a parallel universe, I’d run a bookshop at The P! The jewelers shops should either be turned in to play areas for kids (the hotel promotes itself as family-friendly) or a bookshop. And, since the rooms aren’t large enough, maybe some space could be set aside on the pool floor for yoga and pilates?

What used to be known as ‘Sugar and Spice’ (the deli-cum-patisserie) is now called Qmin. There’s a good selection of sweet (pastries, cookies, chocolates) and savoury items…and coffee, of course but I’m always disappointed by the fact that they no longer offer the Hawaiian Chicken Salad. I used to eat tub loads of the stuff! But, like I said, Bombay doesn’t live in the past. I grabbed a veggie samosa and an egg puff (total Rs.548) for lunch. It’s what one would expect to pay in a five-star hotel. I tried their veg biryani bento box for lunch (the box, a can of Sprite and a tip came to just under Rs.1,000) on another day. It took me ages to finish the biryani! Qmin seemed popular with well-heeled 30something SoBo trophy wifies and MILFs in their tight jeans or linen trousers, stocking up on pricey snacks and sweets. For the most part it was a quiet lunch but it was ruined by a surly, bitchy, entitled customer who was unpleasant to the staff. As there’s just one till, you may have a long wait to get served if there are two or more people ahead of you.

The hotel may look the same on the outside but various changes have been introduced, especially during COVID. For example, pre-COVID you could get a number of daily broadsheets delivered but now you just get The Times of India and The Economic Times. And, instead of being delivered in a pouch like they were as recently as January, they’re just shoved behind the door handle. I didn’t see the point of having art on the lobby walls if there was no information about the artist.


I sneaked in to Wink with just half-an-hour of Happy Hour left. Apart from a group of colleagues celebrating a senior’s birthday, there was no one there. At first I thought it was lacking in atmosphere (the bar tender seemed lacking in enthusiasm and energy) but once the drinks started flowing, I stopped caring. There was an injection of energy once Vikram – he’s been working at Wink for years – came to the bar. Wink needs more Vikrams.

Four cocktails (a Black Russian, a White Russian, a Goatini and a Mirchitini – only Wink serves the last two) and a Chicken Mamallapuram came to about £40 (including a tip). The spicy Keralan dish was filling without adversely affecting the drinks, and vice versa. Wink’s menu is now quite extensive: they don’t have their own kitchen but they can get you dishes at the bar from the three restaurants at the hotel. So, you can literally mix Italian with Thai and Indian! The thing about Italian and Indian dishes is that they rapidly absorb alcohol so that by the time you settle the bill you’ve lost some of the buzz. Still, who wants to wake up with a hangover in this humidity, right?

Chicken Mammalapuram

The highlight of the evening for me was getting the young DJ, Aman, to play M83’s ‘Midnight City’ and ‘Method of Modern Love’ by Hall and Oates. I’ve lost track of the number of times I played that song on full volume(with the stereo system facing out towards the other buildings…sorry Cuffe Parade, y’all needed to be schooled!)at bed time when I was growing up. I’ve never heard that song at Wink and I thought it was high time. I’m heartened by the experience of meeting Aman. He refused to accept a drink and was quick to accept my requests. I hope the President keeps him on indefinitely.

Bombay's Map

Tongariro Alpine Crossing Sun, 09 Jun 2024 05:53:14 +0000

Tramping (verb)

Kiwi slang for a recreational activity, including walking over rough terrain. 

My style of tramping would be defined as casual. I’ve climbed volcanoes in Guatemala, the Azores and Japan but still seem to be the one walker in battered old trainers hunting for a branch to use as a walking pole while the seasoned hikers glide past, labouring under what looks like enough supplies to last a week. Despite not having lived in New Zealand for almost a decade, I haven’t shifted the “she’ll be right” mentality that is popular there. This optimistic approach means my preparation for strenuous, day-long hikes doesn’t have to be perfect, just good enough. 

The 19.4 kilometre Tongariro Alpine Crossing, surrounded by three volcanic peaks, was to be no different. After reading several articles stressing how unpredictable the weather can be, I put a long sleeve top and somewhat waterproof jacket into my borrowed backpack and set off in my trusted trail shoes… with no walking sticks and less than the suggested two litres of water. 

Visitors to the area have been ‘unofficially’ enjoying the track for more than a century but it wasn’t until the mid- 1960s that the path and stairs were constructed and formally opened. 

© Dani Stanbury
Ascent towards Lake Taupo

The one-way walk starts at the Mangatepopo car park, about 50 kilometres south of Lake Taupo, one of the North Island’s other top tourist attractions. Given the walk’s lack of loop-ability, your only real option of getting there and back is to pay a van $60NZD per person to drop you at the start then shuttle you from the end back to your accommodation or nearby car. Myself and my walking companion joined a small crowd at the beginning of the tramp, verbally confirming to the volunteer that we had booked a slot online to complete the hike on this particular day. The area is free to access but given the significance and popularity of the land, numbers are monitored.

Once we got walking, the crowd thinned. We passed the two young girls eating their lunch at 1.5km. We smugly passed the Germans stopping to strip off their multiple, well prepared layers. We passed the walking poles being carried over, rather than utilised, on the well-built wooden boardwalk that covers parts of the first 5km to provide stability across damp areas. This first stage was the easy bit, a manageable incline along a well-marked dusty trail which widened and narrowed at different points. The narrow sections are the main reason it’s suggested you complete the hike in this direction and avoid going against the flow of other walkers. The other reason is the ascent isn’t as steep.

The landscape during the first hour and a half was dominated by hardy looking shrubs doing their best to grow in the fragile, hostile, volcanic soil under the heat of a clear summer’s day. Purple Parahebe, a drought- tolerant flower native to Australasia, is among the alpine plants likely to blossom in summer. And although we didn’t see any, apparently delicate plants like mountain daisies, mountain buttercups, little white foxgloves and eyebrights do flower in the harsh conditions. 

Mount Tongariro on the left and Mount Ngauruhoe on the right do little to shade the flora or the sweating tourists as the path continues up the valley, following the Mangatepopo stream.

With the dramatic landscape stretching much further than the eye can see, I was full off appreciation for the chance to walk across this historic and significant piece of land in my home country. Being somewhat ignorant to the Māori heritage of the Tongariro National Park, I had dipped back into the past before starting this hike. Tribes in New Zealand are called Iwi, pronounced E-wee. Tongariro belonged to the NgatiTuwharetoa Iwi before its Chief gifted the 2,630 hectares to the New Zealand government in 1887, securing the area which includes the summits of Tongariro, Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu, so everyone has access to and can enjoy the mountains forever. 

At the time, Chief Te HeuheuTukino IV said, “Behold, beyond are the fires of these mountains and the lands we have held in trust for you. Take them in your care and cherish them, they are your heritage and the heritage of your children.”

Māori have lived beneath the sacred mountains for years. They have played a part in ancient tribal stories as great spiritual forces of the universe which command and give life to the natural world. Their wild actions can create and destroy to a huge scale. Chief Te HeuheuTukino wrote in the foreword to The Restless Land: Stories of Tongariro National Park, that Māori “look upon these mountains as ancestors and this relationship evokes memories of our human ancestors who once roamed and settled within their shadows centuries ago, so that by these memories the past and the present mingle, ensuring their continuity. We sing or chant today ancestral compositions paying them homage.”

“The death of a high chief is likened to the tip of a mountain having broken off. To us the mountains are symbols of the implacable authority of nature. As our ancestors saw them centuries ago, so do they now stand ageless, towering above all with sublime supremacy, immovable, immutable, and impervious to the memorable march of time. Puny man, in the face of such overwhelming evidence of the inevitable, suddenly feels small and insignificant, and so the reverence for those mountains goes further deep.”

Back in the present, I felt that insignificance as we begin to climb. The next section is called the Devil’s Staircase and the 370 steps lifted us from 1,400 metres above sea level to 1,600. It is a brutal climb and one that I am sure challenged most of the hikers that day. Luckily the vast and growingly impressive views provided frequent excuses to stop, turn with hands on hips and admire.

After keeping my eyes down, slowly trudging up the narrow track for about 45 minutes, lifting my head to see kilometres of flat land stretching ahead of me was a welcome sight. We had reached the South Crater. Groups could now walk side by side across the kilometre wide desert- like crater, catching their breath and preparing for the last incline appearing in the distance. 

As the steep ridge loomed closer, we could see the trail of ant-sized humans crawling their way slowly to the top, heads bent against the wind and layers being hurriedly pulled out of backpacks. As we joined the end of the parade, I was grateful for my long sleeved shirt as the wind battered us from both sides and the temperature dropped considerably. The exposed ridge carried us from the South Crater to the Red Crater, the highest point of the hike at 1886m. Luckily the climb was short, and the deep burgundy landscape that met us at the top was so unlike anything that usually occurs in nature, that it had an unnatural quality to it.

The Red Crater was formed about 3,000 years ago and the colour is caused by oxidised iron in the rock. To one side, there is what looks like a large vertical tear in the crater which has been exposed by erosion and created by lava flowing through the dike. The most recent confirmed volcanic activity here was between 169 and 134 years ago. 

© Dani Stanbury
Red Crater

Once all the photos had been taken and disappointment expressed about how the unique colour could never be truly captured, we started our descent. This for me was the trickiest part of the walk. It required you to walk/run/slide down a very steep hill as the loose scoria underfoot shifts beneath you. Concentration was required and “sorrys” and “excuse mes” were being offered in all languages as we attempted to avoid collisions. 

Remembering to look up, you catch your first glimpse of the Emerald Pools to the right and Blue Lake to the left. The intense, vibrant and opaque colours they’re named after standing out against their dull and barren surroundings.

© Dani Stanbury
Emerald Pools

It’s about here that the sulphur or rotten egg smell that infiltrates your nostrils at certain spots around this part of the country, re-appeared. The steam vents responsible could be seen rising up around the emerald lakes,providing a picturesque picnic spot where most people decided to ignore the potent smell and break for lunch after emptying the volcanic rock out of their trainers. With no chance to buy supplies anywhere on the track, all snacks had to be carried in and all rubbish had to be carried out.

As the track continues around the Central Crater, you can see an old lava flow from the Red Crater spreading across the floor to your left. Another short incline brings you out of Central Crater and provides a closer look at Blue Lake, which is cold, acidic and much larger than the numerous Emerald Pools you’ve left behind.What, if anything,lives in the serene lake is relatively unknown as it has never been surveyed for aquatic life. However, as part of a larger sustainability project, environmental DNA testing is due to begin shortly.

Te Punawai o Te Maari ( The Blue Lake) is considered tapu or sacred to the guardian hapu (family) of NgatiHikairoki Tongariro. The mountain water was an integral part of their death ceremonies and would be used to wash the the bones of ancestors before they were laid to rest.

These practices no longer take place but it is considered disrespectful to get too close, swim or eat nearby. This gave the lake a serene, peaceful feel as it was admired from a distance, another difference to the Emerald Pools which had a more communal feel as people gathered around. 

Even though you are just over half way through the walk at this point, the Blue Lake felt like the beginning of the end for me. Shortly after, you climb out of the North Crater and begin your descent. Now that you’re out the other side the views change quickly and being a clear day we were treated to vistas of Lake Rotoaira and Lake Taupo.

© Dani Stanbury
Blue Lake

Even though you are just over half way through the walk at this point, the Blue Lake felt like the beginning of the end for me. Shortly after, you climb out of the North Crater and begin your descent. Now that you’re out the other side the views change quickly and being a clear day we were treated to vistas of Lake Rotoaira and Lake Taupo.

As you wind down, the shrubs increase in number and slowly change hue from brown to green as the hostile soil gets left behind. If you have any games in your repertoire, now is the time to pull them out. This part of the track is long and with every zig reliably followed up with a zag, it begins to feel repetitive. 

We continued the knee straining descent for about two hours before entering dense and comparably luscious bush, feeling grateful for the shade and change of scene. It was shortly after this that we reached the final car park and joined dozens of exhausted hikers waiting for a lift. 

Sitting down to enjoy any water and sugary treats we had left, we discussed how impressed we were that our battered old shoes had once again carried us through one of the most impressive hikes in the world.

I was surprised by the number of elderly walkers and young families we had passed on what I would consider a very strenuous day walk. As the Tongariro Alpine Crossing attracts up to 3,000 visitors a day in peak season, officials have begun promoting other walks nearby as a way of relieving some of the pressure on conservation and infrastructure. Nearby Whakapapa and Ohakune offer their own day tramps as well as shorter, more manageable walks that, until writing this article, I had been unaware of. 

New Zealand's Map

Tongariro Alpine Crossing

The Nice Girls’ Guide to Lisbon Sun, 10 Mar 2024 07:38:41 +0000

Lisbon is more than just the‘tram- and- foodie paradise’ of Portugal, don’t let the endless Insta posts fool you! It draws you in with its combination of old and new, sacred and profane(those dark alleyways in the Alfama are so inviting after a balmy night spent drinking, dancing closely and flirting!). It would be a shame to follow in the footsteps of the ‘Insta-crowd’ and just hop from one photo-op to another while ignoring what one of Europe’s oldest and most diverse cities has to offer. I mean, going off the tourist trail to find out parts of the city that tourists don’t venture to (want to pick up some quirky art for your flat? Head down to Feira da Laura, also in Alfama, to see African masks and jewellery…made by Lisbon’s African residents, not some factory in China!), speaking with the locals to understand what makes them tick, how they feel about Lisbon and learning what makes Lisbon such a beloved city.You’ll quickly come to understand why many Portuguese have returned home to become Lisboetas…and why the city attracts new residents.

If Porto is the conservatively-dressed, clean-cut, port-swilling, nine-to-fiver, content and stable partner who loves diving into the history books rather than clubbing, and is maybe a bit too religious (all those churches!),  then Lisbon is the designer-stubbled, tight t-shirt wearing, bourbon-downing bad boy all the girls fancy! The wild and sexy fling you have when you’re on holiday…and tell all your gals about! The fling that you may never contact again but the memories of your connection will always stay with you. But, when the opportunity to re-acquaint yourself arises, how can you say ‘não’?

Arriving in this charismatic, historic, charming, and quaint city for a second time after five years, I was excited to see what had changed, how the city differed and if I’d love it as much as on my initial visit. The city’s colours, the weather and all the positive reviews I’d heard about Lisbon initially attracted me here. Lisbon is a bustling destination for tourists and locals alike, with a constant stream of people, traffic and things going on. It’s intense at times! But the intensity and throb of activity are part of the charm (don’t worry, there are quieter parts to the city if you don’t want to be caught up in the rip-tide of humanity) and I find them…thrilling. That was the case five years ago and still is, only more so, with more visitors and longer queues. Great for the economy but not so much for my patience!

Crowds notwithstanding, the sights, such as the San Jorge Castle in Lisbon were even more gorgeous than before, or maybe, the extra autumn sunshine won my heart over. Who knows? 

© Della Driscoll
Colourful streets

Lisbon keeps you busy. Even walking around is an activity as the hills are a workout but the effort is worth it because the buildings are incredibly colourful, and I couldn’t help but admire every road, such as Elevador da Bica and Pink Street. The pastel-coloured buildings stood out, but so did the shabby and worn-down buildings, charming in their own way. Many are still used as homes and it would be a shame if they were demolished to be replaced by trendy flats for the international nouveaux riche. The older buildings lent an urban authenticity to the city and stopped it from turning in to some Portuguese version of Miami’s South Beach or ‘Dubai-on-the-Tagus!’ The old and new complement each other, adding to the quaint charm. Travel magazines would probably use the label ‘rustic-chic’ but I prefer ‘Edgy Luso-urban’. Yep, we coin new phrases at Global Voyagers, we don’t resort to lazy labels!

There are many roads that stand out: the cobbled path, Costa do Castelo, leading up to the São Jorge Castle with its tasteful buildings that have been converted to restaurants, cafes, homes, and quirky shops selling ceramics, soft furnishings and souvenirs along the way. Whilst the roads, such as Miradouro das Portas do Sol (with its gorgeous viewpoint of the colourful Alfama) around the centre, too, as it amazes me how so many buildings, attractions and people can fit in one glorious city. You could try and see everything in one go but that wouldn’t leave you time to savour it, like a long, deep kiss.

The classic yellow trams passing through constantly add to the aural background. Known as a staple to Lisbon’s history, the trams have been around since the 19th century when the city was among the smallest in Europe. In 1873, the company Carris launched the first horse cart in the city and with its first tram launch in 1901. Despite Lisbon seeming very with the times now, it was late on the bandwagon compared to others with the horse drawn cart. The trams, however, became a city feature and have been developed and modernised over time, but many of the classic trams are still prominent in the city.

I’m obsessed with trams:their traditional look and resistance to modernity make for a non-perfect bumpy and loud rides make a change from taking the metro. I love their character, design and how you can effectively get around on a vehicle which sometimes doesn’t have a modern exterior and interior. I should have really gone to the Carris museum to learn more about them! Riding a tram in Lisbon is a must if you want to delve in to authenticity. A rite of passage as you might say. The trams cost around 3 euro, depending on the route. I would say they were mainly used by locals if you don’t go on the touristy routes. In terms of space though, they’re not massive and the seats are pretty small but it’s a rather humbling experience. Humbling because it’s not a ‘out of this world’ experience but something wholesome and local. Although, the most popular route of tram 28 hits all the tourist sites, such as Basilica da Estrela and San Jorge Castle and inevitably fills with tourists.

Get off at Praça do Comercio in Baixa, the renowned square overlooking the water and a gorgeous spot to catch the sunshine and relax with a drink or two.Posing and preening here is par for the Praça. This square was the key spot for captains and merchants to plan sea voyages to Brazil, Southeast Asia and India. It features the iconic, bright yellow – the colour I associate with Lisbon!- archway to enter it and the surrounding yellow buildings were once the royal palace (they’re now government offices). The bright and sunny radiance of the square in general matches the colourful exteriors. I particularly loved how this square isn’t just beautiful but also a location for local markets, events and inviting restaurants.

San Jorge Castle(Castelo de São Jorge) is my favourite attraction in the city. I loved the historical significance– the hill it’s on has been captured over the years by the area’s Celtic tribes, then Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans…basically, anyone that ruled over the area or wanted to rule over the area –  and captivating views the first time I visited. And, the second time, I fell in love with it all over again. Set upon a stony hill, it takes either a lift or tram and a walk to reach the wonderful castle itself. From here I had a panoramic view of the city, the terracotta buildings and the glistening water of the Atlantic in the distance.  Visiting in early October, I didn’t think the castle would be busy, but I was wrong. The line wound down the cobbled streets! Luckily, I pre-booked tickets so I could jump the queue and I didn’t have to wait that long. I reckon the visitors were a combination of Instagram lovers and history buffs as I saw many like me wandering around snapping photos. Yet, there were many on guided tours, absorbing the information from the guides. 

© Della Driscoll
Lisbon cathedral

Founded in the 10th century by the Moors, Dom Afonso Henriques captured the city from the Moors in 1147 and the Castle became a home for successive Portuguese kings. It’s also where   Dom Manuel I received Vasco da Gama after his sea voyage, the first by a European to India in the late summer of 1499. I dare say neither man knew then the significance of what had been achieved…and its ramifications for colonialism, capitalism and, ominously, human rights and race relations. A visit to the Castle is more resonant and profound if you know your history.

Given its considerate length of history (it always blows me away how long the castle has stood there), it took a lot of restoration work to become what it is today: a proud National Monument showcasing and enhancing the relationship of the old and new.I adored all the arched holes in each of the walls across the castle as they made quirky frames for the great views.

Another early medieval building (from the mid 12th century) is Lisbon Cathedral(known as Sé), one of the oldest structures in the city and situated on top of a curvy hill, hidden away from the city’s crowds and noise. It was built in the reign of D. Afonso Henriques, after the Christian crusaders took back the city from the Moors, for the city’s first bishop: the English Crusader Giilbert of Hastings. Inside, the cathedral was done up in the usual bright, stained-glass windows and beautiful arched ceilings. The stain-glass windows depicted the patrons of Lisbon, Saint Anthony and Saint Vincent.Unlike other cathedrals, there wasn’t any art on the ceilings, just a pristine, tile-like pattern with no images, just simple stone. Although a tourist attraction, it wasn’t my favourite cathedral but sitting on the steps outside made for a moment of peace. A moment to watch the trams trundle past as the bustle of tourists walked up and down the hill.

© Della Driscoll
Lisbon tram

Another one of my favourite things about Lisbon is the hipsterand arty scene, with sights catered to that market and encouraging tourists to see more of the quirky experiences. I do consider myself a bit of a hipster and enjoy roaming around arty shops, grabbing a drink at earthy-looking coffee shops and taking photos for “the ‘gram”. The two places that come to mind are the LX Factory and the Pink Street. Although, they’re built for tourists and may appear too hip to some, many of the shops and cafes are small businesses, thriving on tourist traffic.

LX Factory is a restored factory complex, originally built in 1846, and today is an assortment of art-deco shops, restaurants and cafes. I loved exploring LX Factory! I enjoyed mooching around art galleries and browsing the city’s talent on show at the homeware shops and vintage record stores. Prices varied depending on the shop and item but, really, you’re paying as much for the experience as you are for the merchandise.

Whilst LX Factory had an old-school look and many small businesses, Pink Street was Instagram-central. With a pink road painted on the floor, this strip is filled with bars and restaurants and obviously a major tourist attraction. At night, the place comes alive with music and wild tourists (hen dos and stag dos, for example) partying and drinking the night away, and enough choice of bars to enjoy a night out the way you like it. This isn’t really where you come to listen to Fado!

Stepping away from the joy of a night out in the city, the beach, Cais das Colunas in Lisbon is tiny but a small spectacle, next to the Praca do Comercio, perfect for escaping the city bustle and admiring the sound of the ocean even for ten minutes or so.If you want more beach time, grab the train to Estoril or Cascais. I loved sitting on the sand and listening to the waves, enjoying brief moments of relative quietude by the calm ocean, with the still hot sun beaming down. I wouldn’t say it’s appropriate for swimming as I didn’t see anyone doing so and watersports aren’t offered either. As it’s near to the Praca do Comercio, there are plenty spots to grab a Sangria or a bite for lunch and many stalls selling refreshments.It’s more ideal for picnics in that respect.

© Della Driscoll
Jeronimos Monastery

A little further away from the hub is Belém, also a great area to explore and popular with tourists. Most of the city bus tours include Belem for good reasons as the sights there are phenomenal. 

The most popular are the Belém Tower and Jeronimos Monastery. I got to experience these sights properly for the first time when I ventured inside. The Belém Tower was built as a fortress between 1514 and 1520 by the Portuguese architect and sculptor Francisco de Arruda and commissioned by King Joao II – and that beauty shines through even today, the historical significance(it’s from the Tower that Portugal’s great discoverers set off on their epic voyages) and the gorgeous water views just make it all the more enchanting. I loved how rustic the building looked from the worn-down stonework but the aging beauty went hand-in-hand with the melancholia too: lots of sailors would leave here never to return.Glory doesn’t come without huge sacrifices. The top balcony opens to a stunning view of the water’s edge.Try and imagine those Portuguese armadas made of carracks, naus and galleons heading off in to the unknown… It made waiting for around an hour to get in and the 8.50-euro price tag worth it. 

The Jeronimos Monastery also had a long line, and although it took less time to reach the entrance, the attraction surprised me. The monastery was built to honour Portuguese discoveries during the country’s expansion in the 15th and 16th centuries. The construction began in 1501 and took a century to complete in total, commissioned by Manuel I after Vasco da Gama’s return from India. The craftsmanship that went into this building was momentous. I loved the cream-coloured walls with fine detailing of swirls and intricate curls that worked in unison to breathe life into what’s been labelled a ‘Portuguese Gothic Manueline architecture style’.I went on a bright sunny day in the afternoon and the cream-coloured walls reflected the light beautifully, enhancing its glory. It was the first time I came across this style and its unique look made a deep impression on me.

Falling in love with Lisbon wasn’t only about the sights; the food scene alone is enough to tempt people to visit. As the city caters to both traditionalists and tourists, the curious and those set in their ways, the choice of cuisine serves all groups, with a wide offering of Portuguese restaurants and Insta-friendly brunch places. Plus, you’re likely to find restaurants serving various European cuisines, quirky bars, gelato shops and vegan spots to suit every taste and lifestyle. The beauty of Lisbon is its diversity: this is where you come for authentic Luso-African, Luso-Macanse and Luso-Indian food, for example. Oh, and of course, Brazilian Caipirinhas!

The most satisfactory way to embrace the city’s flavours is to visit the Timeout Market. We saw this recommended everywhere before heading there, and I can admit IT WAS A DREAM. The market was busy and it was difficult to get a table, although it was worth the wait to sample all the wonders of the world’s cuisines and the best handpicked from the city. It seemed impossible to pick the right stall, however, I ended up choosing a delicious prawn and bean stew with crusty bread. I’m not entirely sure if it was a Portuguese dish as it was called ‘prawn and bean stew’ and it cost me around 7/8 euros. To finish, the Gelato Davero stall served up generous portions of ice cream in unique flavours, such as custard for an affordable price of 2-3 euro.

© Della Driscoll
Pink street

The seating arrangements were very much on a ‘first come, first served basis’. There were many long tables with chairs and taller tables with stalls and honestly, you’re lucky to get somewhere to sit as the market is very busy at prime time. You end up sitting next to many other people dining there, like a cafeteria style as we did, although I didn’t end up speaking to any. Most people seemed in their own world with those they’re dining with.The room was filled with a diverse range of people, families, groups of young women, couples, and older people, meeting up to grab a bite to eat. I couldn’t distinguish the locals from the tourists, they both seemed to be enjoying themselves. Good food is a good anonymiser.

The vendors were friendly; however, they didn’t have the chance to be personable as the lines were too busy and they had too many people to serve. It was more like a ‘place your order-pay-collect-find somewhere to sit’kind of place.There were plenty of options for those who like an alcoholic drink with their meal.

Back in the city, my favourite brunch and lunch places include Zenith Brunch and Cocktails, Floral and Fauna and The Green Room. 

Zenith brought in crowds of tourists and doubles up as a brunch venue with many mocktails and cocktails to enjoy at all times of the day. The décor was an Instagrammer’s wet dream, with neon signs, plants and classic wooden tables and what’s commonly described  as ‘a buzzing atmosphere’. The price really depended on what you chose, but the average is around £10 and the service very attentive. I enjoyed the delicious smoothie bowls and fresh juices and wish I had more room in my stomach to eat the pancakes on the menu too. The menu also offered a range of toasts, tacos, nachos, salads, egg dishes and burgers.

Although, Floral and Fauna ticked wholesome and sweet pancakes off my list, serving up a stack of chocolate and peanut butter goodness in an eco-friendly, wooden interior. The décor was basic yet natural with wooden tables, a Scandinavian design and plants everywhere. Service was friendly, attentive, and welcoming as if you were a local, visiting regularly. Customers varied; the cafe actually had a lot of families in there with young to older children. 

© Della Driscoll
San Jorge Castle

The Green Room is the complete opposite, a plant-based restaurant offering the introduction of greens and fresh vegetables for a lunchtime feature. I loved the chickpea pesto burger here!It wasn’t a Portuguese menu really, it reminded me more of a quirky vegan café I’d visit in London, without the Hoxton pretention and attitude, of course. The prices in Floral and Fauna and The Green Room were very similar to Zenith, expensive but expected for the city and the level of food quality.

Dinner favourites include Tapa Bucho and Lupita pizzeria. The Tapa Bucho is a beloved tapas place near the city centre and probably the best Portuguese tapas I had during my time in Portugal. I particularly loved the garlic prawns and the potatoes bravas; and, the croquettes were like placing morsels of culinary heaven on the palette. I loved the service here as the staff were so kind and ensured we had everything we needed. The décor outside was simplistic and natural, surrounded by plants. The focus here was on quality foodrather than slick, expensive and on trend decor.

Lupita pizzeria was a random find but one of gold dust as the pizzas were authentic, thin and delicious – the way every Italian pizza should be.Being half-Italian, I’m quite fussy about my pizzas!The pizzas varied in prices, from £8-£12 and the service was quick. The décor wasn’t much to go by with minimalist stalls and tables.But, when the pizza is this good who cares about décor!

Tapa Bucho was incredibly affordable as we got a lot of good quality food and drink for around £35. The place was buzzing with lots of tourists, and we sat outside on the balcony, taking in the fresh, salty, moist Lisbon evening air.It was as if the city and Nature were flirting with you. I could make out the tops of other rugged and classic Lisbon buildings, homes and hotels through the copious shrubbery up on the balcony.

© Della Driscoll
San Jorge Castle

Dessert and ice cream are a must in the city, with plenty of options available. I had to try the claimed ‘best chocolate cake in the world’ at Cafe Landeau Chocolate (opened in 2010) in LX Factory. This cake, made from a family recipe, was scrumptious; a combination of chocolate mousse and cake with a rich and sumptuous taste, leaving me wanting more of the Landeau Chocolate cake (costing around 4 euro for a slice). In Lisbon, even the desserts get you hot and bothered! The café only offered an array of beverages to go with the cake, such as tea and coffee. Cafe Landeau Chocolate’s décor reminded me of sitting in someone’s dining room or lounge with their quirky yet homely interior. For those more in to ice cream, gelato across the city is of top quality at Pastelaria Santo Antomino and Gelato Therapy. Gelato Therapy is a chain and Pastelaria Santo Antomino, a standalone eatery.

The creamiest and flavoursome gelato is in metal containers, and at those two gelaterias the ice creams lived up to high expectation. Gelato stored in metal containers is usually better quality as it’s kept at the right temperature.I enjoyed the delicate flavours of chocolate, hazelnut, banana and more. 

Whilst food is ranked high in the city for many reasons, nightlife is prevalent across Lisbon with the array of bars and clubs available to explore. I’m not a massive fan of partying or drinking but I couldn’t resist seeing what the bars are all about. Topo is a rooftop bar with electric energy(you’re moving and swaying almost as soon as you walk), making you want to dance as you chat to loud (although I was too busy chatting and taking in the views of the old buildings and residential side of the city) dance and R&B tunes. Dudes who don’t want to dance can hang out in the retro gaming area and couples or hook-ups moving in for a kiss can head to the balcony to enjoy the gorgeous view of the city (It’s a lovely spot for a romantic drink).The gaming area is a room filled with all the retro-style arcade machines where you can play old-school games like Super Mario. I was surprised to know that the venue lacked a DJ. I think adding a good DJ would enhance the atmosphere even more.A machine can’t sense the crowd’s mood and energy.The bar was completely packed as most of the booths and seats were filled and by the looks of it, it’s a popular bar for locals and tourists. It wasn’t an over-the-top place, people weren’t trying too hard to flaunt and there were none of the affectations of a London bar, which was refreshing. People weren’t trying hard to be sexy…which was kind of sexy.In terms of pricing, it depends on what you get, beers can be around £2, whilst cocktails around £10.

That’s Lisbon in a nutshell for me. It’s extraordinary how revisiting a city brings a level of familiarity but also a renewed sense of curiosity to discover what you haven’t seen or learned before. Lisbon has a tendency to trigger a domino effect of curiosity, constantly offering something new, leaving you wanting more. It’s a city to fall in lust with and love all over again from one visit to the next. Till, the next time for the haven of trams, quality food and hilly, cobbled roads.Maybe next time I’ll even have a cold shower and visit some of the museums!

Map of Lisbon

The ‘Nice Girls’ Guide to Koh Lanta, Thailand Thu, 19 Oct 2023 15:42:18 +0000

When I think about Thailand, my mind is filled with vivid images of sunny skies, clear waters, divine food markets(a sensory experience heightened by memories of gorgeously fragrant aromas of spicy curries and Pad Thais) and the smiling faces of locals. I’m beginning to feel that the Thais must be some of the happiest people on the planet! I’ve visited Thailand on two occasions and in both experiences I was left with fond memories and a happy heart. Thailand is one of those countries I could return to multiple times and never get bored of its charm.

The Thai Islands are on everyone’s bucket list, especially if you’re in your GAP year and/or backpacking…or have read The Beach!. Renowned as relaxation and partying spots, the Thai islands’ diverse appeal offers a destination ideal for every traveller, including me. Both trips to Thailand have been part of a long haul backpacking venture; the first time I spent five weeks there and the second, around eight days. During both trips I fell in love with particular destinations, especially Koh Lanta.

Koh Lanta is as close as I’ve come to paradise, to put it simply. It’s an island with my favourite sunset spots, empty beaches, a laidback and peaceful pace, an enchanting Old Town and plenty of nature to motorbike around. I love how some of the island, despite its popularity, has secluded, quieter parts. Sort of a ‘secret air’ inviting the curious to veer off the trodden path.

I’m a ‘beach baby’ with a deep love for sunsets. There’s something magical and tranquil watching the sun go down after a gorgeous day, especially on the beach. The sunsets display every colour of the orange spectrum across the sky, the intensity of the orange colour growing, blending with reds, pinks and even purple, co-existing with the darkening hue of the water – it’s an artist’s dream!

Bamboo Beach

The most prominent beach across the island is Long Beach. As the name suggests, it’s rather long, with lots of resorts, hotels, cafes and restaurants located along it. Despite the tourist-centric commercialisation, I adore Long Beach because due to its size you’ll never find it too busy like the other Thai island beaches. I’m usually able to find a discrete spot with minimal people around. The sand along Long Beach is soft and gentle on the bottoms of your feet, despite the heat. Its waters are transparent and refreshing and feel like the perfect warm bath. With the hot Thailand weather, I tend spent most of my time in the sea rather than on the sand itself.And the best way to describe my time in the water is freeing. I can completely switch off into a calm and sensual mode, batting away any thoughts in my mind and appreciating the refreshing feeling of the water. Deeply ensconced in my bubble, I didn’t really interact with any other tourists on the beach and it seemed most were on holiday keeping to themselves and enjoying the island.Everyone seemed happy in their own little cocoon.

Long Beach has the perfect beach bar to grab a cocktail, smoothie or a bite to eat: San’s Sunset Bar.As the name suggests, the sunset view from here is picture-perfect (as long as nobody is sitting in front of you). The menu was varied with shakes, fresh fruit juices, soft drinks and snacks, such as spring rolls and meals including the classic pad Thai. Prices were affordable, around £1/£2 for soft drinks. The clientele seemed to be people like me, young, in their twenties, relaxing after a day on the sands and enjoying the sunset. I spoke to one of the girls(from the UK by the sounds of it) as she asked what we were drinking, and her friendly energy seemed out of place on this laconic isle. I came across this bar on my first visit and loved the bamboo huts, tables and chairs, sunk steadily into the sand. It had to be one of the first beach bars with sand as floor I can remember visiting before it became the norm around different Thai islands. I guess you could call it ‘sandy chic’? I did like the utter lack of pretention and the lack of clean lines and shiny surfaces, so beloved of Instagrammers and influencers these days. It’s a peaceful spot to spend a few hours watching the sunset or reading a book. I could have happily stayed there all day doing both.

Phra Ae Beach is attached to Long Beach and has a smaller stretch of sand, but a quieter feel and less going on. Despite this, I found it to be quite popular with families and nearby to many restaurants as you walk away from the beach. It was also perfect for accommodation on the second visit, as where we stayed- the Phra Ae apartments were under 10 minutes away.

Kantiang Bay

I randomly came across The Pangea Beach Bar and Kitchen on a wander and I loved it. It wasn’t overly busy and made for a calm afternoon spot to read and people-watch in the sunshine. Plus their fresh juices were delicious! I’m missing drinking endless cups of fresh pineapple juice; it doesn’t hit the same way in the UK because it’s hard to find freshly-made pineapple juice, for a start. The menu varied from soft drinks, including smoothies and juices. to varied cocktails and alcoholic beverages. They also had lots of different food options such as classic pub snacks (chips!) to noodle dishes. The prices were similar to other bars a couple of pounds for drinks. We popped in when it wasn’t too busy and the clientele ranged from young couples to groups of guys. The service was lovely: the bartenders served our drinks with a happy smile, and I could tell they, like the customers, appreciated the quiet beach life, the bamboo-centric décor, comfy beach chairs and bean-bag-like chairs to sit on.

The island also features quieter beaches such as Bamboo Beach, Klong Jak Beach and Kantiang Bay, with accommodation surrounding it.

The best beaches for couples have to be Bamboo Beach and Kantiang Bay because of the privacy, quiet and gorgeous scenery. Bamboo Beach is a lot smaller with shaded areas, whilst Kantiang has a more open stretch of sands. The best beach for swimming is Long Beach without fail because of the warm, clear and non-rocky waters.

I thoroughly enjoyed spending time on Koh Lanta’s quieter side with Bamboo Beach being the top spot. The beaches in the south of the island are best reached via motorbike and you can hire one from your accommodation, local garages or any travel agents. Bamboo Beach has a gorgeous combination of nature and soft sand. Surrounded by masses of trees, including on the sands itself with coconut trees galore and rugged rocks; for those who want to be surrounded by nature, immersed in serene surroundings and aren’t too bothered about bars and shops, this is the spot. A word of warning, although it was nice to swim here, it’s not the best due to its rocky terrain throughout the waters.

Other beaches to pass en route to Bamboo Beach include Kantiang Bay and Klong Jak Beach. Klong Jak looked like a toned-down version of Bamboo Beach, quieter but with stunning views. Katiang Bay was up there with favourite sunset spots, where I caught a golden sunset bouncing off the waters. Unlike Long Beach at sunset where the crowds gather, next to nobody was here, making the sunset a private show, perfect for an evening of romance and passion. The island has a way to fully let yourself be free and embrace experiences and temptations you wouldn’t usually consider. I guess you can say, it’s a way for nice girls to finally live their wilder side.

Koh Lanta Old Town

As I mentioned, motorbiking or scootering around the island is recommended for most visitors, unless you have the budget for a car or to taxi around everywhere. Motor-biking allows you to experience more freely the wonders of the scenery and take in the scents of the nature trail. Bicycles weren’t as common here however, compared to other islands as it’s such a big place.

I stayed in a similar area on both visits, near the Phra Ae Beach, once at Hugs Guesthouse and the other time, at Phra Ae Apartments. This meant a motorbike was needed to see all the best spots.

Hugs Guesthouse was simple and everything you needed in a room close by to a stretch of restaurants and walking distance to the beach. For my first time in Koh Lanta, I liked it as a place to stay, and it was great to point it out the second time I arrived. The hotel had air con and an en-suite bathroom but no complimentary breakfast. However, Phra Ae Apartments I preferred a lot more as for the cheap price of £34 for 3 nights, we had an incredible amount of space, it was clean and close to all the local sights. Plus, the owners at the entrance of the building greeted us each day and helped with any query we had.

A stop popular with tourists is Koh Lanta Old Town as this is a hub for restaurants, cafes and accommodations. The Old Town is reallyjust one strip of road decorated humbly with colourful decorations. There’s also a selection of quaint places to eat and browse. The Old Town was once the island’s main port of trade and I would say the only landmark to see in connection with that is the long pier and the gorgeous view across the bold blue waters and sky.

During both visits to the Old Town, I enjoyed the shops for a mooch. Shops range from stores selling ornaments, ceramics and clothes crafted by locals, to typical shops selling souvenirs. Despite the small size, the town is lovely to roam, buy a smoothie, or eat at one of the local cafes. We ventured to Grandma’s House, a gorgeous, family-run place which only had a few simple, wooden tables and the loveliest owners. I had classic lunch of eggs on toast. The ice cream they served there was homemade.  We couldn’t resist a scoop each. The price was around £1 each. Plus, we spent a while in there playing with the owners’ child as he loved entertaining the guests, despite the language barrier.

It’s no doubt food in Thailand is scrumptious and as one of my favourite cuisines, I could eat Thai food every day and not get bored. The food scene in Koh Lanta matches the quality of Thai food elsewhere with a combination of local restaurants and tourist hotspots offering more Western options. I had my fair share of both and ate like a queen across my trips.

Long Beach

The restaurants I fell in love with in 2019, May’s Kitchen and Utopia weren’t, around on my second visit in 2023. However, the iconic brunch place, The Living Room Cafe and Restaurant was still going strong with an improved menu. This had to be the most popular place I visited on both occasions, especially this year, with a filled-up cafe every time I went in. The cafe serves up a typical Western breakfast with an extensive pancake menu, sandwiches, smoothies and much more, and a delicious-looking baked goods cabinet to take away. The price point here was a little higher with main breakfast meals around the £4/5 mark, whilst baked counter goods were a lot cheaper. The clientele ranged from families with kids, backpacker couples to groups of twenty-something-year-old friends. The service was incredibly friendly, attentive and quick. The décor was simple, modern and pleasing to the eye with wooden tables and high ceilings.

Speaking of Western places, another tourist-loved eatery was Backyard Cafe and Bistro. I dined here based on the recommendation of some digital nomads I know, and it was heavenly. I opted for this peanut tofu bowl and it was incredibly wholesome, finished off with a fresh fruit smoothie.The prices, like the Living Room Café were slightly more expensive, around £4/5 for smoothie bowls and other main dishes. The clientele was similar to the rest of the island, either young backpackers or families. Although during our visit, it was pretty quiet and we only saw a few people. The service was humble, friendly and on point, with lovely staff. I would say the décor had a similar style to The Living Room Café with wooden tables and flooring, and breezy feel.

For dinners, two restaurants particularly stood out: Neng’s Kitchen and Tamarind Restaurant. Both are run by locals and for Neng’s Kitchen, in particular, I had a wonderful experience. The original meal I found was too spicy and the owner of the restaurant (Neng), apologised and brought out a new meal with less spice and it was perfect, probably one of the best meals I had on the island. I was so thankful for his kind gesture and the fact he only charged me for one meal. It goes to show how far the kindness of others goes, and how he cared more about his customer’s experiences with his food than anything else. The prices were pretty cheap here, considering the island’s fame, with a couple of pounds for each meal. And, the clientele ranged from an older couple to other British tourists. The service has to be the best yet considering how the owner went out of his way to suit my taste. The décor may have been simple and probably quickly assembled but the overall experience exceeded expectations.

Tamarind Restaurant proved to be exceptionally busy, probably the busiest place we dined at, with a queue out the door. Although, I can see why, with its rustic-beach aesthetic and delicious menu of inexpensive, local food. The prices were incredibly cheap for the wide range of Thai food on offer, from curries to noodle dishes. Their clientele were all western tourists, young and old, from backpackers to families alike. Considering how busy they were, the service was alert with prompt food delivery and attentive waiters.

Locals are what made island life exceptional as the people in Koh Lanta were friendly and went above and beyond to talk and help us. I have many stand-out moments, the first being in Grandma’s House I loved how this little place wrapped a sense of community around visitors and travellers alike. The prices were rather cheap at around £3 for lunches and fresh juices for 50p. The family-friendly atmosphere is what made me love this place as it was so wholesome and warm. Its décor reflected that with simple wooden tables and chalkboards.

During my second time in Koh Lanta, with my partner, we had a motorbike accident. This happened unexpectedly after a day of driving around the island, visiting the fantastic beaches and wandering around the Old Town. We were about to drive to a dinner location when the accident occurred. My partner bumped the bike onto the kerb and lost control and it skidded across the road, with him taking the brunt of the injuries. In this moment of absolute panic, terror and anxiety witnessing my partner’s injuries, the locals pulled through and I’m thankful for their kindness.

The cafe owner near where we had the accident came rushing out, reassuring us that he would get one of his friends to take us to the hospital. Still in disbelief and shock, we were insistent on not going to one. But I’m very thankful we did, as we didn’t realise in the pitch black the severity of the injuries. My partner needed stitches in his foot! The guy came and collected us, driving us to several hospitals until he found a suitable travel clinic. He waited for the entire time we were in there and drove us back to our hotel, free of charge. We paid him, but he was willing to do it out of kindness which meant a lot in our low moment.

Another lovely local was the lady who owned the apartment we stayed in. Every day, she sat outside on her tourist stall, selling services and arranging excursions. She would greet us pleasantly and make conversation about how we were, especially after the accident when her conversation was even more attentive and concerning.

Can you see why Koh Lanta is marvellous? With its combination of time to relax on the beaches, explore the natural side of life and interact with friendly and wholesome locals, it’s an island I’d happily visit over and over again. I wonder when I go next time how many things change again and if it becomes more developed or will it subtly resist change while charming visitors, old and new alike.

Thailand's Map

Koh Lanta's Map

Anarchy and Gentrification in Exarcheia, Athens Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:50:25 +0000

This year, Greek Independence Day was on the 25th of March. This happened to be the Saturday on which I chose to explore the infamous Exarcheia district of Athens. It was a short walk from where I was staying in the Monastiraki district. The parade of tanks, armoured vehicles, police cars and fire engines trundled along the Venizelou Road. Either side of the road a thin crowd stood in the sun and clapped at all those who passed, except the police. Fighter jets roared overhead intermittently. It was an unexpected start to an unusual day. Exarcheia has long housed the counterculture figures of Athens, such as the writer and artist Giorgos Iaonnou, and it has long been a site of conflict between political ideals and the heavy hands of the state. In 1973, the Greek Military raided the Athens Polytechnic in Exarcheia after it had been occupied by students protesting against the military junta. Forty civilians were killed amid the chaos. Exarcheia, again, was the epicentre of major protests in 2008 after the fifteen year old boy Alexis Grigaropolous was shot dead by police. These protests morphed into widespread riots and came to encapsulate a wider rejection of the direction of the nation. In recent years the district has become a lightning rod for divisive politics once again. Large migrant communities found safe haven in Exarcheia and squats swelled with people from all nationalities fleeing conflict. Since 2019, though, there has been a drive to clear these squats. The combination of this drive and the push to build a metro station in Exarcheia Square has revived tensions between residents and police.

Above: Tanks rumbling along on Greek Independence Day.

If you walk into Exarcheia Square at any time of day from any direction you will see fully kitted out riot police standing there. On some streets there is just one lonely police officer whiling away the hours but on some streets there are groups. Resting on their shields and sporting immaculate haircuts, they seem to be unconcerned by the life going on around them. They mainly seem to be trying to catch the eye of passing groups of women. These riot officers seemed to be solely men from what I could see. They are not physically threatening to a passing tourist such as myself but their constant presence is an indication of the undercurrent of confrontation. The square itself is barricaded off and the cafes around the perimeter continue on in their usual way. There are many ironies in Exarcheia. It is a place which has produced genuine anarchist views and seeks to administer all elements of civil society itself and yet the state is so visibly present. Here, they have been administering their own healthcare and societal groups have replaced many of the civil society roles of the state. It is a place with run down buildings coated in graffiti of varying quality. But, as with any cool place the gentrifying middle classes are never too far away. Cafes with expensive but minimalist decor house digital nomads, tapping away on laptops worth thousands of pounds, from across Europe. There will be a jazz night there later and people dripping in Stussy designer wear will be resting their expensive jackets on the wooden chairs. ‘Anarcho-chic’ is the new black this year.

Above: The view over Athens from Strefi Hill in Exarcheia.

I sat at the HBBH Cafe in Exarcheia Square and ordered an espresso freddo whilst the sun shone on my face. The coffee was delicious as I found to be the case in every cafe I went to in Athens. It was always between €2 – €3, which was very reasonable for the quality. This cafe has a lovely set of outdoor seating and the staff were very friendly but it certainly felt more geared towards tourists than locals. Chatting to the people on the table next to me it became clear that this square has changed markedly in the last few years. What was once a convivial meeting place has now become a commercialised centre. Which is probably why I was able to find a table so easily! All around Exarcheia the young artists and musicians amble by sporting mullets and a whole host of other 70s hairstyles. In the daytime I sat thinking that the general hype around this area was probably just pearl clutching. It seemed to be a deeply gentrified place with a few rough looking streets where you had to watch your step to avoid a coating of dog poo. I wandered around the streets and glanced at second hand clothes shops and a few nicely decorated bookshops, sadly, (but understandably) the books were all in Greek so there were only limited browsing opportunities. They were cluttered with all manner of old books. Some piled high on tables and some neatly organised along shelves. These bookshops resembled the cluttered minds of aged Greek intellectuals. Facts and fiction strewn across in a vaguely ordered manner. They were certainly not the characterless chain bookshops we have become accustomed to. I doubt any of the books were written by washed up tv personalities.

As my feet tired I decided to head up to Strefi Hill and find a spot to sit with a view. Weaving past clouds of weed smoke I made my way up the graffitied steps and into this park. Booming Greek rap was coming from the football pitch where a motley mixture of men and boys were playing a lively game. Crowds were nattering away, absentmindedly watching a middle aged man play a one two with a young lad and then send his shot well wide of the goal. It was pretty idyllic. The rocks and walls of the park are covered in graffiti too but as you follow one of the tracks you slowly climb up and away from the shaded bustle of Exarcheia. The Acropolis casts a watchful eye over this disruptive district. 

Above: Wine on Koletti Street.

At both ends of Koletti Street are the best bars in Athens. The lower end is pedestrianised and all the bars flow out onto the street forming a long line of chatter. The candlelit tables, with the backdrop of elaborate graffiti and anti-capitalist posters, create an interesting atmosphere. From around 8pm onwards the tables were pretty much all occupied by twos and threes. Everybody is drinking away but there seemed to be none of the edge which you would expect if this was a British street. The usual chains were nowhere to be seen too which made a nice change in a capital city. The bars are lively and offer reasonably priced beers, around €4 – €5 and they often have an offer for wine by the litre. At Η σκάλα bar there was a deal for red wine at €9 a litre, it was delicious and the accompanying nuts were very welcome. Maybe not as good as French or Italian wine but still very tasty. Inside, it was decorated in a chaotic way but the lights were dim so it was hard to make out much. I wandered around a few of these bars and enjoyed a range of music and later on a range of the tasty snacks on offer. As you walk uphill and leave the pedestrianised street there is a barren patch before you reach the top end of Koletti Street where another collection of bars lie. These bars, along with the people happily drinking outside them, are another example of the varied life of Exarcheia. In Spira Cafe & Bar, it was very basic plastic chairs, cheap drinks and it was packed with the bustle of people. Not self-conscious people, just people who fancied a drink on Saturday night. But, in the Cusco Cafe across the road it was a different story. A nice place serving reasonable drinks whilst playing decent music but inside there was a collection of pretenders. One clearly wealthy young guy had brought his dachshund into the bar as a prop. The poor little thing scurried around nibbling fallen snacks and trying to avoid the swaying, increasingly tipsy, hipsters. I felt like I was in a similar position. 

After being at the top end of Koletti Street and deciding that the time was up on my evening I ambled down towards the Cookoomela Grill which offered up a delicious range of vegan gyros which I have discussed in a separate piece about Athens’ street food. When I arrived at this street I was confronted by smashed glass all over the road and the hanging, cloying smell of tear gas. Further down the street a formation of riot police with helmets on and shields in hand were marching off. Surveying the devastation was the owner of the neighbouring gyros place who I chatted to for a while about what had just happened. He explained that the people are very angry about the metro station as it represents the encroachment of consumerism into their district. When I asked him about how he felt about the military parade which had gone on earlier that day, just a few hundred metres down the road, and about Independence Day as a whole, he simply replied:

“Independence from who?”.

It was clear that the current government is not popular in this district and the paltry showing along the parade route made it clear the general nation felt similarly. Few had made the effort to come and clap the passing soldiers. I was able to find a front row spot after arriving just minutes before the first vehicles rolled past. The smashed glass and tear gas that evening explained why there was little love felt between rulers and ruled. It was another strange contradiction. Here was an expression of the might of the state in the morning and in the evening they scurried around with helmets and shields dodging bottles and polluting the air with noxious gases. Those older members of this district seemed completely impervious to the goings on and after a few minutes the area was full of chatter again. Instantly it was hard to imagine this as anything but an increasingly gentrified district with a punky past.

The process of gentrification is something interesting to witness as an outsider. At this moment in time, the process is still in its infancy. The first luxury hotels stand bravely. Their inhabitants hopping in taxis and enjoying rooftop sunsets. Coffee is an important part of Greek culture and the general day, but a few of the newer looking cafes wouldn’t look out of place in Shoreditch. Exarcheia Square is ripe for commercialisation and the Mayor and President are well aware that here lies profit. Down little side streets there are places which have seen the rise and fall of military dictatorships and sold spanakopita to everyone from Palestinian refugees to American backpackers. Art students from Bavaria and Paris sit alongside digital nomads working on acquisitions for tech startups. Like all of Europe’s rougher corners (think of Lisbon, Berlin or East London), Exarcheia is highly Instagrammable and with this brings the idle rich who want to be seen in leather jackets drinking beer out of plastic glasses with the masses. Yet, those that can truly call this place home are still having street battles with riot police. They still live on top of each other and offer those fleeing war and famine a place to stay. There is still plenty of integrity around. They just need to wait out this flight of fancy. A new destination will be chosen. Perhaps it will be Bucharest or Catania. For their sake I hope that property is not sold off to hotel chains in the meantime. 

Map of Athens

Where to Eat & Drink on Gili Trawangan Wed, 23 Aug 2023 16:44:23 +0000

Clear waters, pristine sands and a taste of paradise…that’s what I read about when I was researching the Gili Islands. I couldn’t wait to experience luxury on these little islands near Lombok and to see what the hype was about. Cycling around the island and snorkelling every day sounded like a complete dream.


Although, reality never hits in the same way as a gushing article you read online, or what you heard an influencer opine. Travelling often and to new places, I’ve seen which destinations are overrated and overhyped by travel companies and influencers, and this for me were the Gili Islands. Every article I read and every person I spoke to about Indonesia urged me to go to the Gili Islands. I was thinking about days lapping up the sunshine on the beaches, evenings watching the sunset and experiencing the magical underwater world of marine life.


However, the start of the visit to the islands was anything but dreamy. The downward spiral began with the process of getting to the Gili Islands. I will admit, it may have been my fault for reorganising the Bali and Gili Islands part of my backpacking trip when I heard about Silent Day.  Silent Day is one day out of the year where the entire island shuts down and nobody leaves their houses, as a day of rest to meditate, sort of like a Hindu-Buddhist Sabath. We swapped our days around to arrive in the Gili Islands first and then return and do the second leg of our Bali trip. With many people leaving Bali to escape Silent Day, the ports and boats for the Gili Islands were packed and chaotic. It felt like a cattle market, especially with the blaring sun and a heavy backpack (the less glamorous side of backpacking). At the ports we faced delays and a lack of clarity about when and where to go. All the ingredients for a trip to start on the wrong note.It’s not exactly the chilled, organised and luxurious experience I expected for a honeymoon-style destination. Imagine wanting ultimate peace and being met with chaos.

Coffee and Thyme

After a long wait and about an hour- and- a- half long journey, we arrived at Gili Trawangan. For me, the journey wasn’t great as the boat had no air –conditioning and it was rammed and loud, with too many tourists on it. I spoke to the guy next to us because he helped us out at the port, paying for our taxi as I had no cash and there were no ATMs. He mentioned that he does this journey often and it’s never that bad. The weather wasn’t on our side, with a bit of rain but I didn’t mind as it relaxed me after the journey.


Arriving at Gili Trawangan wasn’t what I expected. Lines of horses with carts were at the port’s edge. Had we stepped back in time to a rural dimension? Later on, we were to discover what the rest of the island, away from the tourist strip of restaurants, cafes and spas was like:  unpaved muddy roads lined with locals’ houses and minimal streetlights. Not the picture-perfect postcard vibes. I shook it off and embraced it as I found with most Southeast Asia destinations the rural environment makes it part of the charm. Plus, with a backpacking life, it didn’t shock me as I had seen a lot worse during my three months of travelling.


We walked along and arrived at what we thought was the accommodation we booked, however, the lady who worked there explained it was fully booked and there was no room at the inn. The trip kept springing nasty surprises and we had to book one of the last cheapest places for three times the price! The hotel, Gili Ilalang Village featured very modern rooms with marble flooring and an open-air bathroom, with a communal pool in the centre of all the apartments. It cost £120 for 3 nights in total and for that amount of money, I expected a lot more. The original hotel cost £35 for the three nights so a pretty big price difference! We budgeted an average of £15 per night for accommodation overall and as you can imagine, were sorely disappointed with the cost and outcome of the location.

Gili T

Breakfast wasn’t included, which I didn’t try as it was a very small buffet of fruit and bread and cost a couple of pounds each. However, there was free use of the pool which we spent a lot of time in to cool off and relax. We didn’t speak to many other guests but did the classic British thing and waved and nodded hello at people. It’s hard when bad experiences taint a destination because I’ll often associate a place with the things that happened.


Regardless of the stressful travel day and unnecessarily added costs, we tried to embrace the rest of the time in the Gili Islands. But I didn’t feel the exciting draw or sensation I had when we were gallivanting all over the beaches on Bali and Padar Island. I felt disappointed at the stretches of dead and damaged coral due to tourism, and the murky water off the shore and the number of boats (they must have been polluting the water, as well as tourists throwing their rubbish in the ocean) To me, it seemed like Gili Trawangan hadn’t been loved and cared for the way I’d expect a paradise island to be. I also expected it to be more built-up than it was, with clear roads, especially as the most popular mode of transport was a bicycle. The rocky paths made cycling difficult, mainly at night given the absence of streetlights.

Gili T

The feeling of disappointment was high in my Gili Island experience. Maybe it was because I chose the wrong island to stay on out of the three, with Gili Air and Gili Meno being a lot smaller. The other thing which put me off the island was the snorkelling tour. As a prime destination for snorkelling, my expectations were incredibly high, and I expected the experience would be out of this world. But the reality was, in every area we stopped, loads of other boats did too and that meant about 30-plus people in the water. I saw more people’s fins than fish. At times, we did glimpse turtles and cool marine life, but it was overcrowded, with noticeable damage to the coral. The level of tourism there took away from the natural beauty and affected the natural wildlife and anyone’s experience.


On a more promising note, the food scene on Trawangan was tourist-heaven with Instagram-ready brunch places and every type of cuisine that wasn’t Indonesian. From Mexican, Greek to English, the cuisine choices reminded me of a resort holiday, rather than an authentic culinary destination. I would say despite the tourist traffic at the restaurants, the experience I had was overall, positive.

Gili T

Jali Kitchen made the biggest impact with its packed-out restaurant and delicious Panang Curry (my favourite Thai curry, originating from Penang in Malaysia) giving off a ‘popular for a reason’ appeal. The curry was very similar to trying it in Thailand and Malaysia, however, it was more delicious in Thailand. The restaurant was certainly catered to tourists, serving up an array of Indonesian dishes to typical Mexican food like chilli con carne. The service was incredibly friendly and attentive, despite the mass of crowds. We had waiters coming up to ask and asking to see if we were okay and if we needed anything, whilst waiting for a table to become available. The décor had a complete bohemian look, made of timber material with cushions on the top. They also had dim lighting, and a pool, surrounded with loungers guests could relax on before dining. I didn’t speak to any of the other diners as they were coming out of their accommodation, attached to the pool. They looked like the typical island holidayers in bikinis and loose clothing, young like me in their twenties. Considering the bustling tourist scene, we paid around £12 for drinks, mains and dessert for two people – not bad at all.


The Banyan Tree impressed me the most with its cocoa smoothie bowl and health-inspired menu. The décor in this café was very simplistic with colourful wooden chairs and a modern European interior. What I loved the most however, was their exceptionally bold coloured toilets as it really brought the bright colour holiday appeal into the establishment. The ambience was completely relaxed in here, especially as we sat upstairs. I appreciate the quiet because Gilli T, despite its supposed tranquil nature had a bustling energy to it, removing the overall serenity. The smoothie bowls cost around £2.30 each and drinks were around £1-1.50. The Banyan Tree boasted a vegan-friendly menu featuring fresh fruit-mains to hearty, protein-based breakfast options, such as avocado on toast. The customers were from the same pool as Jali Kitchen, pretty, young and surfer types.

Gili Yo yogurt

I love how many brunch places had such a focus on super food, such as wholefoods, seeds, greens and organic ingredients. It made us feel wonderful, kick-starting our day on a high with a belly full of quality food.


In terms of cultural and historical sights, Trawangan didn’t have anything significant as the main focus was on being by the beach and experiencing the snorkelling tours. People don’t visit this island to experience temples or historical sights.


Although it wasn’t the greatest experience, arriving on Gili Meno as part of the snorkelling tour was a breath of fresh air as their main beach wasn’t covered with resorts and we could enjoy the tranquil views and clear water. It had a more peaceful atmosphere with a similar natural and residential appeal. I was on the island only for a few hours but wish I experienced a couple of nights here.


The Gili Islands weren’t all bad. Despite some bad luck, over-tourism and disappointment, the time on the island was fun. It’s a holiday place where you simply want to eat, relax and do nothing for a few days. As a backpacker and luxury holiday spot, the food scene was ideal for an “Instagram brunch” or Western food you set your heart on, plus many places for cocktails on the beach. It’s perfect for those who love drinking too with lots of bar crawls (not my scene, however). The majority of the tourists seem to be a combination of Australians, Europeans and a small contingent of English people. I spoke briefly to some on our boat tour but because I wasn’t feeling great, couldn’t appreciate their company too much.

Jali Kitchen

The restaurants across Gili Trawangan all seemed geared to Insta addicts, all interested more in looking cool than genuinely taking an interest in their food and the cultural significance of it, and surfers, especially Helicapitano Lifestyle Cafe with their pillows for chairs and coconut-style smoothie bowls (smoothies in a real coconut).I would say the surfers were a combination of wannabes and those who are regularly in the water. This find was popular with all tourists, mainly young and carefree ones, sipping iced coffees and a “cool-looking breakfast”, meaning its aesthetically pleasing appearance. I couldn’t fully appreciate the vibe here with a sensitive stomach from ‘Bali belly’, but I did manage to try their oat pancakes and they were delicious. The prices were around £4/£5 each for food and drink.


Coffee and Thyme was my favourite café offering dreamy, large pancakes and an extensive menu of fresh juices! Just the health kick I needed before chilling on the beach all day. The décor was simple with dark wooden tables and touches of colour throughout and an open kitchen behind the tables. The café wasn’t as large as I’d imagine downstairs however, and tables were particularly close together, but I didn’t mind as it makes a dining experience more communal.  Food wise, it boasted a gorgeous menu of freshly pressed juices, smoothies and various pancakes, offering something fresh or fulfilling for every customer. This café had similar prices to the other ones I’d visited, charging around £2.50 for food and £1.30 for a drink.

Sunset point Gili T

Whilst The Banyan Tree I adored for its chill vibe, with a quieter group of customers and an opportunity to relax with your food. Unlike other cafes, there wasn’t a frantic, rushing atmosphere, with waiters running around trying to ensure food was at the ready for customers. As a huge chocolate fan, their cacao bowl was a brilliant way to enjoy the healthy side of the cocoa taste without feeling sick afterwards. It was rich and packed with fruit and fibre, including chia seeds and chocolate chips.


Dinner-wise, Jali Kitchen had to get a big shoutout and was my favourite spot for being the most popular restaurant on the island and still not overly expensive, especially for vegetarian options. I had a lovely curry, whilst my partner needed some home comfort of chilli. To cool down, a fabulous spot was Gili Yo Frozen Yogurt, although expensive for what it was. This yoghurt shop lets you customise your treat with toppings, fruit, sauces and more.


I can’t provide a fair analysis of the other Gili Islands, Gili Air or Gili Meno as I didn’t have the chance to see them due to sickness and lack of time. Although, during our snorkelling tour from Gili Trawangan, we stopped off at Gili Meno for a bite to eat and a wander. We discovered a local restaurant, Warung Licung Bamboo. The owners here were super friendly and appreciated we showed up, with other minimal customers sitting for lunch. This quaint restaurant was in a large bamboo hut with worn-in wooden tables and bamboo chairs – and one of the cheapest places we ate, costing £1 a meal. The crowd was small with only us and one other couple at the restaurant and I was blown away by the attentiveness of the owner. They served up various food options such as wraps and noodles, to fresh-pressed juices.

The Banyan Tree

The rest of Gili Meno seemed very natural, plentiful in trees and greenery and had a quietness  about it unlike its larger sister island. Although, one thing I did notice was all the dead coral washed up on the shore which made me a little sad. As it seemed quieter and cleaner, I assumed the island was cared for, but that may not have been the case. It would have been great to visit Gili Air, although, with time restraints and lack of desire to, I don’t know how much I missed.


Gili Islands – are they worth it? Overall, I would admit the Gili Islands are overhyped for what they were. When I compare these islands to Bali and the Thai Islands, with similar levels of tourism, those destinations live up to dreamy expectations. Whereas the Gili Islands seem to have all the hype and flashy places to eat, without care for the environment, and the development of safer roads.


Overall, I wouldn’t personally recommend, Gili Trawangan as a place to visit, unless you’re looking to holiday it up in a resort where you can eat lovely food for more reasonable prices and take part in typical water activities and excursions. Yet, for me, it didn’t fulfil my heart the way I hoped, and I left feeling disappointed in the hype of the island.

Indonesia's Map

Gili Trawangan's Map

Gili Meno Island's Map

Our Favourite Bookshops in the World Wed, 09 Aug 2023 13:26:01 +0000
Gulp Fiction

28-29 The Covered Market, Oxford OX1 3DU

It takes guts to open a bookstore in Oxford. The competition has devout fanbases, long histories, and eye-watering budgets. The university libraries have staggering architecture and mounds of mildewed books. Oxfam basements charm with their rare finds and scratchy marginalia. Blackwell’s spans a whopping four floors. Its basement room is as wide as the hole it burns in students’ pockets. In a city like this, literature can’t be confined to the bookshelves. It courses beneath tourists’ feet, in long underground passages linking libraries. It swarms pub chalkboards, where pubs list their famous patrons with more pride than they do their wines. Tolkien drank here, boasts the Turf Tavern, and so did CS Lewis. Everywhere you look, tote bags hang heavy, tourists waddle with stacks of books, and whispers of the city’s great authors drift through the air. Oxford is a readerly city: the station of bookseller is sacred and demanding.

The same is true of the city’s cafes. Oxford’s chain cafes, the bland claret of Prets and Costas, are to be found on every corner. Yet it is also home to cozier spots that fit the city’s gothic, rain-soaked mood. These are the spots visitors pride themselves on having discovered. The city’s paradoxical pace, at once dreamily unhurried and maniacal, makes coffee a lynchpin for essay-assailed students and city breakers alike. Oxfordians love to watch their city go by,listening in on snippets of conversation in its arabica-infused dives. They also love to churn out essays at blistering pace, scalding fingers on keys and tongues on americanos. To make a mark here, coffee shops have to cater to both modes of thought. They have to give the tourist their idealized, mythical vision of Oxford, while offering students a cheap, warm corner with sturdy desks and ample sockets.

Oxford has no short supply of bookstores and coffee shops. It’s not easy to make a splash in either market. Gulp Fiction, a newcomer in Oxford’s Covered Market, has set its sights on both.

At first glance, it’s hard to tell how Gulp Fiction plans to stand out. Its mishmash décor is charming, its shelves unpretentious and homely. The books on display are well-curated if a little sparse, more geared to trendy “BookTok” fiction than the dusty classics. The shop is a welcome break in the Covered Market, which is otherwise dominated by jewelry merchants and food stalls. Still, it doesn’t floor you. Aside from its initial warmth, so crucial to a bookstore’s appeal, there is little to suggest it merits devotion. Coffee shops in bookstores are nothing new, even if the IPAs on the menu are a welcome addition. Soon, though, you see what the fuss is all about. A small table is stacked with books, their jackets glossy and bright. Beneath them is a promising placard: free coffee with any book from this table.

It’s a delightful, dangerous offer. When I was a student, I found millions of justifications for splashing out on books: they’re educational; they improve my craft; they’re cheap; I get a student discount; I don’t do it that often. I can quit when I want. The same went for coffee, although it was hard to call the third expresso a bracing intellectual exercise. I could now get both for one price. How could I resist?

Visiting Gulp Fiction means witnessing the gradual collapse of my willpower. Like the cocaine-addled mouse in a twisted laboratory experiment, impulses tug at me with their dread gravity, until I twitchily concede to temptation. Even with a backpack full of more hardbacks than I can deadlift, and a jackrabbit heart-rate, I still buy an extra book from the table. Bookstores may be intellectual havens, but any true bookworm can tell you that book-shopping is a primal, degrading act. Any notions of free will fall away as blurbs absorb, covers catch the eye, and bank balances careen towards zero.

If it wasn’t tempting enough already, the books on the table are good ones. They seem to cycle from zeitgeist fiction like Ottessa Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxation (an odd accompaniment to a flat white) to top-shelf scientific works. On my first visit, I got a book on American witch trials, an americano, and a respectable IPA in one visit (I’m told I was among the first to complete the holy trinity in one order). I sat at one of the pew-like benches on the ground floor, reading my new acquisition in the soft yellow light. Waiting for my drink, I felt the guilt subside. Though I’d again strayed past my spending limit, I at least had a reason to slow down and take in my surroundings. The jazz-funk, folk and R&B on the stereo makes the wait a nice one, a far cry from the clatter and hiss of Blackwell’s built-in Café Nero.

With large bay windows and a confined interior, it’s clear that Gulp Fiction is built on a retail lot. There should be mannequins in these windows rather than hip students. As I sit in the chair and sip at my beer, I consider the effect this has had on the space. It limits the amount of seating inside, driving many to the Covered Market’s communal benches in front of the shop. It also means that only one wall has room for books. This limits the offering but heightens that sense of personal curation, and ramps up the dopamine hit of finding a rarer book. The space feels neither like the larger bookstores on Broad Street nor the coffee shops in the rest of the market. It is a strange hybrid, but it works. The shop feels small, creating the sense that you are interacting with something local, rather than a global conglomerate. The coffee, when it arrived, seemed an affirmation of that: a little bit of warmth on a Sunday in March.

The arrival of a wine menu only makes things warmer. House wine is served in three sizes, for students looking to bring out their inner Hemingway. Wine and literature are an even more natural pairing, one that I’ll fail to resist. Wine, beer, coffee and a book sounds like my kind of study session. Still, Gulp Fiction’s license limits meant I was unable to take beer to the outdoor tables last time I went. Wine drinkers, beware: you may face the same problem.

Either because of the welcoming staff or (more likely) because of the coffee-plus-book meal-deal, I’ve found myself circling back to Gulp Fiction. As I become something of a regular, the books I pick grow ever stranger. The works sold as part of the deal are often ones I wouldn’t go for, but I end up taking them just for the coffee. Coffee, an indelible part of my routine and survival, has become a means of broadening my horizons. Books I wouldn’t have touched with a tentpole seem all the more appealing as a side dish, a literary Biscoff wedged against the china. The table is positioned with devilish strategy, right next to the till. This is every bit as cruel as the bright chewing gum, ELF bars and porno mags at a newsagent’s desk. The queue slows to a crawl. The table is right in front of me. You already have three books. A cover catches my eye. A title. You already have three books. Didn’t Mark recommend that? Look. It’s up for the Booker Prize! You already have three books. You already have three books. My heart pounds. My palms sweat. I visualize my bank balance, my stacked shelves, the coffee already in my system. You already have—it’s futile. I grab a book on mushroom mycelia and ask, as penance, for a chamomile tea. As usual, I take my seat. I flip through. And just like that, I’m hooked on mycelia.

The deal has reached cyberspace, too. Gulp Fiction’s website lists books that can be bought online and delivered to your home address. If you pick the books on the offer, you’ll be provided a bookmark to trade in for a free coffee. Though I despair at this news, it could be very convenient for day-trippers.

Gulp Fiction is the kind of bookstore whose reputation grows in a crystalline manner, egged on by word-of-mouth. The sense that it is a rare find, bound to collapse as influencers traipse through Oxford and the owners push their TikTok, means that I am compelled to tell every friend who will listen. Though a new arrival, it is steadily growing its crowd of devotees. From what I have spotted, most are students in their college puffers. Gulp Fiction is a place where, on the pretext of study, they can find something marginally warmer than libraries and student rooms. Its owners understand that as an independent bookstore in Oxford, you can’t offer a more extensive collection than Blackwell’s or the Bodleian. Instead, you offer something smaller, and therefore more prized.

A pinch of Jazz doesn’t hurt, either. Gulp Fiction’s ace in the hole is its weekly Sunday concerts. Local bands, students and professors play cozy gigs inside. These attract a reasonable crowd: large enough to fill the collection bucket, but small enough to keep things intimate. The music is good, too. The classically educated musicians avoid too cerebral a concert, keeping their riffs groovy and light. There’s no lulling to sleep here, no need to order your expresso double. With bands varying from week to week, it’s yet another reason to drop in and spend an hour and a tenner. Oxford has lost some of its most valuable indie music venues in recent years: I only hope Gulp Fiction’s jazz afternoons hail a revival, even if the snug vibe is a far cry from the sweat-and-smoke raves of yesteryear.

The events also bring a touch of liveliness to the venue. Though we value quiet and calm in our bookstores, these are overabundant qualities in Oxford. Oxford’s calm is its blessing and its curse, synonymous both with its achievements and its stubborn, glacial attitude to change. It is easy to sleepwalk through the city, treading its sacred stones, restating the same anecdotes, dreaming, as its students do, of leaving a mark. A weekly gig might be a welcome break from the contemplative silence that elsewhere reigns supreme.

If its atmosphere gets full marks, Gulp Fiction’s selection of books has room for improvement. Wider Travel and Art sections would be welcome, not least in such a wayfaring and culturally-minded city. It’s surprising to see the History & Biography sections shrink, too, given the abundance of humanities students in the area. Parents won’t find a lot for young children, either. Still, none of these qualms offset the charm of Gulp Fiction. Besides, there are benefits to its slim selection. No Jeremy Clarkson, no Prince Harry, no Boris Johnson…some absences are more welcome than others.

Any bookworm owes themselves a pilgrimage to Blackwell’s and the university libraries, as well as a walk to and stumble from Tolkien’s favourite pubs. However, Gulp Fiction may be the best option off the beaten track. Not yet swarmed by students and tourists, it has the gentle calm of all the best bookstores. Its jazz sessions admirably uphold Oxford’s longstanding musical tradition, putting local talent on centre stage. If nothing else, the coffee-and-book deal compounds two indulgences into one. It encourages you to slow down and take in the city’s atmosphere, palpable even under the Covered Market’s roof. That alone is something you won’t quite get in Blackwell’s Café Nero, and reason enough to splash out on that bird-watching book.

Basking in Yogyakarta’s artsy, studenty glow. Mon, 10 Jul 2023 14:36:05 +0000

Yogyakarta is a city with an influential artistic scene and picture-perfect temple sites. I would say influential because it seemed to be a major artistic hub, compared to other stops during my trip across Indonesia. The city had a youthful appeal, to go along with its art galleries and quirky coffee shops, being the home of numerous universities, most prominently the Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia’s largest). As the last destination on a 3-month travelling trip, I wanted to end the experience on a high and Yogyakarta had that combination of authenticity and activities, the perfect place for me.


We only spent three days in Yogyakarta, however, that was enough time and it felt longer than it was. The city didn’t have anything like the tourist crowds of Bali, and it had an authentic feel (less commercial), with many locals coming up to us and having a conversation rather than trying to sell us something. They would generally fixate on where we were from, testing their knowledge on the UK, and if we spoke cockney – it was always very entertaining! Yogyakarta is a welcoming city with chilled-out and friendly locals.


Arriving in Yogyakarta in the middle of a torrential shower compelled us to dash to our room to relax after a 6-hour train ride from Malang. The ride was smooth, so smooth I ended up sleeping for a huge chunk of the ride! It did help that the trains were incredibly comfortable, modern and cleaner than I expected! I can’t remember exactly any food being served but I do recall the weather going from lovely and calm to torrential rain, and the endless green scenery. It was like speeding through a beautiful sea of bright green rice fields! I noticed there were only a few other tourists dotted in the train and majority were locals travelling. There’s something about smooth rides and drives that sends me off to the land of dreams. Although, I did wake up on the arrival to the city with heavy rain and felt a little disappointed that we couldn’t explore right away. I wanted to squeeze in as much as possible in the few days I had left.

We eventually ventured out to see what the city was about and to get our bearings on the place. The city’s atmosphere was incredibly relaxed, not overly loud or overly trying to be something it was not, it simply existed how it should. No pretentions, no delusions.


One of the things which surprised me was the quaint and colourful back streets surrounding the city. They were quiet, with local’s homes throughout, featuring many plants and wildlife, such as lizards and too many plants I didn’t know the name of, adding to the natural look. Ideal for a charming mooch-around. It certainly didn’t feel like we were in a big city. I would say for me, it was opposite to Bali as the backstreets had a more residential feel, not built up for tourists.


The most popular area of Yogyakarta is Malioboro, a bustling shopping street and hub for restaurants and markets. I didn’t know what to expect from this street because it wasn’t as busy and buzzing as every blog post had described. The street was beautifully designed, with intricate benches and manicured greenery, reminding me of the roads in Paris. I loved the street’s maintenance and how the city didn’t let tourism, or the local population ruin it. The street did offer a diverse range of shops, from local clothing shops to trinket shops and markets scattered throughout.

We noticed many locals would come to us and urge us to visit the Batik art galleries nearby. I wasn’t aware of this type of art before arriving here and felt obliged and intrigued to see what it was. Batik is an Indonesian technique to create art; they use a wax-resistant dyeing technique on cloths. We did fall into the tourist trap and visited a couple of galleries (to have ignored the galleries would have been rude and, well, ignorant) but there was no obligation to buy anything. The locals working there gave us a free talk about how they create the art, and then we browsed around both galleries. There’s evidence that Batik art originated in the Far East, Middle East, Central Asia and India over 2,000 years ago with examples on caves and linen grave cloths in as far away as Egypt. The process of Batik art involves using melted wax on fabric. The wax is painted on in a certain design and then the fabric is dyed. The areas which have been waxed won’t be penetrable by the dye, leaving a pattern.


I did love how unique the art appeared as it was nothing like anything I’d previously witnessed at a gallery. Batik art had more heart and realism, with a colourful impact. I probably would have bought a piece if I found one which matched my style (earthy and minimalistic). It would have been interesting to do a class in the city because we saw many art tutorials and sessions, from batik art to jewellery making.

I got excited for dinner that night as I found some cheap street food and an incredible meal too – nasi gudeg. This dinner dish, local to Java (the region Yogyakarta is in) and sweet, is made with jackfruit and coconut sugar. Surprisingly, it’s a hot meal, not a dessert or salad. I was sad I tasted this meal on my last few days in Indonesia because I wanted to eat it more than once! The street market, Teras Malioboro, had a couple of stalls selling various local Javanese and Indonesian dishes. It was quiet and local with no other tourists in sight – that’s how you know the food is good. We also found a fancy-looking ice cream shop, The Original Gelato to finish off the meal. You could either sit in or take away and it was pretty cheap, only the equivalent of £1. The selection was simple: chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.


The next day began with a healthy breakfast at Akkar Juice Bar, featuring a smoothie bowl and pressed juice…the preferred breakfast of choice for health-conscious backpackers all over SE Asia! Then, we ventured to the Prambanan Temple, one of the most popular reasons to come to the city. There are two main temples to visit, the Prambanan and Borobudur. We decided to visit the Prambanan as Borobudur was partially shut off due to Covid, and the temples aren’t cheap to visit, around £20 each. The Prambanan seemed more value for money as it was a whole site rather than one temple. It lived up to dreamy expectations as the area was stunning. A ‘dreamy expectation’ meaning something I couldn’t even have thought up as it’s so wonderful!

As Yogyakarta was more residential, it felt slightly more religious than Bali because it wasn’t only for tourists, but mainly for locals. Whereas, I would say Bali was “spiritual” in a hipster-backpacker type way, more about natural living, crystals, tarot reading, and other similar fads.


The Prambanan Temple was built in the ninth century and is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia. The grounds were perfectly manicured, and all the temples reminded me of Angkor Wat in Cambodia; they had that level of majesty with similar design. The main temple impressed me the most as it was iconic, grand and bold, standing out for miles. In terms of specific points of the temples standing out, Within the temples were various statues including the statue of the bull, Nandi. It stood out because it was the only thing, I could see in the pitch black! I couldn’t believe how well-kept the temple was, considering its age. I loved walking around the grounds as the history of these temples always amazes me. I appreciated the age of the property but also how its design is linked with the religion. The plan of the temple complex is a Mandala, a symbol of the Hindu cosmos and it’s divided into three parts. These three parts consist of the base of the temple, the body of the temple and the roof of the temple. The division of these building structures are in harmony with the ancient Hindu Buddhist traditions. As temples go, it has to be up there with one of the favourites I’ve seen across Indonesia, such as Pura Gunung Lebah and the Ululwatu temples in Bali. I also loved how quiet the temple grounds were; it felt like the temples were ours to enjoy fully and in no rush. It also helped us appreciate how serene seeing a temple is supposed to be.


Heading back into the city, we were feeling pretty knackered from the heat and decided to visit Roaster and Bear, a restaurant we read about on many blogs, famous for their ‘bear’ coffee art. We were originally going to have a drink, however, we’d worked up an appetite and needed food. The menu was vast but also specific in the particular dishes they offered. I chose a classic nasi goreng, whilst my partner picked an Asian fried chicken dish. This had to be one of the best nasi gorengs, especially as I’d never had the meat kind and the portions were huge. It’s hard to pin point when a nasi goreng is perfect but for me, it’s a perfectly cooked fried egg, good-sized portion, tomato garnishing and the moreish flavour of the dish. Plus, the hot chocolate with bear art was a lovely addition to the meal. As a fancy-looking place, it wasn’t as expensive as I expected. The décor was very modern, similar to a typical upmarket restaurant in the UK with velvet seating, wooden tables and bear decorations everywhere. The crowd was mostly locals of a younger demographic, lots of girl groups chatting over lunch. The service was lovely, attentive and friendly, an ideal addition to the meal. Outside, the views weren’t what I’d imagine however, as the neighbourhood was a combination of residential and commercial with many work establishments, but not much else going on.

I paid around £2.50 for my meal and my partner the same with drinks costing around £1-2 each. I can imagine if that restaurant was in Bali, it would have been double the cost considering its aesthetic.


Roaster and Bear was attached to the Harper hotel and downstairs featured the exquisite Pistachio Bakery, serving indulgent treats. I couldn’t resist grabbing some cookies for later on, which must have cost around £1-2 each. Sometimes you need some English treats when travelling around! We ventured back to Malioboro to scout the markets. We spent the rest of the day strolling around and browsing, soaking up typical market items, such as souvenirs, handbags, lightweight clothing, jewellery and more.


Our last day in Yogyakarta greeted us with blue skies, something we’d only been blessed with in the mornings during our time there, with heavy rainy afternoons. Generally during the afternoons, we either chilled in local cafes or visited the art galleries and markets. Travelling in the rainy season doesn’t always have its perks! We wandered over to a heavily reviewed breakfast place, Water Castle Cafe and I immediately loved it before I even entered the cafe. Tucked away in the quaint back roads, the cafe was surrounded by (urban) nature. Inside, the artwork was a mix of vintage paintings and framed photography. It reminded me of a junkyard heaven with random antiques and mismatched furniture. The owners had the friendliest smiles and an infectious energy as they prepared everything themselves. I had some light fruit pancakes with juice and my partner, a fruit bowl. The freshness of the food was incredible, made with love and a great start to the day. Also, the prices were insanely cheap, under a pound for drinks and breakfast each.


Our last day in Yogyakarta was also our last in Indonesia and we decided to take it slow, preparing for the long travel day back to the UK the day after. We spent the morning seeing the last few sights, including Tamansari Water Castle, where the royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta once was. Although the grounds were worn away, the charm remained intact. We also didn’t realise how these grounds connected to many other monuments nearby in the city. A local found us wandering around and took us along all the ruins once connected to this site.

The Tamansari Water Castle was built in 1765 for Hamengku Buwoo, the sultan of the kingdom of Yogyakarta. Spread over 12,600 acres, the castle includes various water gardens, artificial lakes, pools and 59 buildings. Its landscape also includes a meditation space, fort, mosque and underground tunnels connecting all the features together. I did walk past the mosque but as it was underground, and there was no public access. I peeked through a gap to try and see the mosque but, to be honest it was a mass of stone and pretty dark inside.


Other notable sights included the Sultan Palace and Jogja National Museum. I expected more from the Sultan Palace as there wasn’t much to see within the grounds, and we were in and out incredibly quickly. Although, the Jogja National Museum was a lovely surprise and a unique experience. I thought it would be a historic place, explaining the city’s history. However, it was an abstract, contemporary art gallery with thought-provoking pieces spread across a few floors. The art was contemporary and quite a few pieces caught my eye as this type of art always makes me wonder the mindset of the artist and the symbolism of the creation. One piece had a splatter of paint on it in a giant white room and that was it, and the simplicity really stroked me. I probably should have taken note in the artist, but I was too busy in thought about the piece. The museum was also vacant, with only a few students looking around.


With sightseeing ticked off and feeling knackered, we resided in Couvee, a modern cafe popular with local freelancers and online workers as we were the only ones without a laptop. The café was clean, modern and white with typical Ikea-ish furniture, with a random menu from drinks to pasta and some baked goods I have to shout this place out purely for its scrumptious iced chocolate and distance from our hotel.


The hotel I stayed in was called Ayaartta Hotel Malioboro. As the last destination in a three-month backpacking trip, we wanted a luxurious stay to enjoy a truly serene experience before jetting back to the UK. The hotel had to be one of the fanciest I stayed in across Asia, costing £55 for three nights and reminded me of an ultra-exquisite Premier Inn. This hotel featured an all-you-can eat breakfast, pool onsite and a hub for local events.


We finished our time in the city at Kesuma restaurant. Located along a tiny alley, it had a humble family environment and served plenty of specific and traditional Indonesian meals The decoration I can only describe as cluttered, it felt like I was sitting in my grandparents’ house, full of all their belongings with tables laid out with white tablecloths. But I liked that as it held the traditional, family appeal throughout. The crowd of people were limited as it was a small restaurant, but they were all tourists, who, like us, must have read about this place on Trip Advisor or blog posts. The meals varied from noodle dishes, curries and nasi goreng of course. The starters here such as fried tempe were incredible, although the nasi goreng let me down as my final meal because it didn’t taste the same, was spicy and had no egg.


Yogyakarta was a local experience and one of the reasons I enjoyed it in the few days we had. We immersed ourselves in the city’s everyday routine whilst visiting the famous sights and sampling the notable Javanese dishes. I also loved how many students talked with us and interviewed us as part of their school project because it allowed us to communicate with new people. They asked us who we were, where we were from, our age and how long we’ve spent in the city. Also, what our thoughts were of Yogyakarta and what we did during our trip there. The girls who asked the questions even gave us a bracelet to say thank you! My partner and I had lots of things to say as we loved the city and wanted to share the feedback with them.


Another aspect I also noticed about Yogyakarta was the lack of integration of tourists within the local population. Generally, most tourists you could tell were only there for a few days as they were hitting up the main sights. When I saw people in coffee shops working or roaming around, they were mainly locals. Also, in comparison to Thailand, I found a lack of tourists with long-term partners from Indonesia. Whereas, in Thailand, integrated relationships are much more common.


With great shopping opportunities, inexpensive and delicious food and wondrous sights, spending three days in Yogyakarta was a winner in my books.

Indonesia's Map

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